Chapter 16

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In order to understand what is happening in this chapter, you must start from the very beginning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless if this is the next chapter you have to read, please enjoy!😘

WARNING: EXTREME SEX! Please read at your own risk!!!!



Chapter 16:

"Love can get shattered... And broken... Into little pieces of glass"

*The night before Justin saw the note from Maddie taped on the bathroom door*

Maddie's POV:

It was late at night and I was standing in front of Justin's house, ready to set the plan in motion.

I was worried with how Justin was going to react. Was he going to freak out and come and find out where I am and who took me? Was he going to be totally cool and not worry about me at all and let me die in the hands of his enemy, the person who wants him dead?

I walk over to the back of the house where Justin's bedroom is and Austin tells me:

"Get on my back, now."

"Why?" I reply.

"Just get on my goddamn back." He growls at me.

"Ugh, fine."

He bends down with his arms behind him ready to grab me. Then all is a sudden, he backs up into the street and sprinted with a very forceful and powerful jump that lands us on the side of the house near Justin's room. Austin quickly climbs up the side and opens the window so we could get inside. Once we get in Austin bends over so I can get off of his back.

"Stay right where you are, ok?" Austin whispers in my ear.

"Ok." I whisper back softly as I see Justin start to stir in his sleep. "Let's put the plan in action."

"Ok." He replies as Justin stirs again. Austin walks over to Justin's bed and whispers in his ear: "Would you rather prefer a fast death or a slow death?"

"Maddie, come here." He says.

"Ok Austin." I walk over to where Justin is at.

"Lean over to Justin's ear."

"Ok." I say quietly.

My stomach starts to rumble, which causes justin to stir again and quickly touch my stomach making little circles with his fingers.

I let out a small sigh trying not to make it a moan so he won't hear me but it felt so good that I wanted to have sex with him again.

"Babe, more please." I whisper loud enough so he could hear.

I see him smile increasing the pace of the circles. Then all of a sudden he digs his nails deep into my skin leaving very red marks on my stomach. I start to move my hands onto Justin quickly grabbing his abs.

I start sliding down his briefs and about to suck the juices out of his d*** when Austin tells me: "Do you want a condom really quick?"

"Umm... Sure. Thanks Austin!"

"No problem." He replies. "Do you want me to act like Justin for you? I put him on several sleeping pills and a drug to make him sleep for a week."

"Ok. Oh. That's fine with me if you do that!" I giggle a little.

"Good." He replies as he starts to remove his briefs before walking over to the nightstand and open one of the drawers and pulls out the pack of condoms.

I remove my underwear I had on so Austin could put the condom in. He motions me to open my legs up. When I do, he slowly starts to make his way inside of me. He enters my body sucking immediately on my cum.

"Damn Maddie, your cum tastes really good." He says loudly.

"Thanks." I reply.

I feel Justin's stomach start to growl VERY LOUDLY due to lack of nutrients in his body.

"Can I please get an IV started on Justin, Austin? He looks really sick."

"No. He's already on a lot of drugs." Austin replies.

"Oh. Ok" I reply.

I ask Austin: "Can you please remove your head from me?"

"Oh of course Maddie!" He replies as he starts to remove himself.

"Thanks." I reply.

Once Austin was done removing himself, I stick two fingers up Justin's a** and he felt super wet.

"Can I go inside of him really quick?" I ask Austin worried.

"Yes you may Maddie."

I start to smile. "Ok." I reply.

I stick my fingers in really deep causing Justin to hiss in pain. I let my fingers out, ready to go in. I slowly make my way to his d*** and then I suck on it, letting the juices fall into my mouth.

"Mmm!" I say out of excitement.

"Maddie, if we stay like this, we won't be able to get the note done!!" Austin says to me sharply.

"Ok, ok, ok. I'll stop now. Sorry, it's just I'm having a lot of fun!" I reply.

"It's ok Maddie, it's just that we have to get our job done." He replies.

"Ok." I reply.

As I move off of the bed, I get a sharp pain in my stomach which makes me clutch onto the bed sheets squeezing Justin's hand and screaming in extreme pain. After that I start throwing up on the sheets. I start to feel Austin drawing tiny circles on my back to try and comfort me. I start coughing up blood along with my puke on the bed.

"I can't breathe..." I manage to gasp out and cough out more blood and puke.

I suddenly see Austin grab his phone and unlock it. He taps on his phone, but I couldn't see what app he was going into because I was still coughing out more blood.

All of a sudden I grab Justin's body then collapse onto the bed, lifeless...

*Present time*

Austin's POV:

I have not died, actually risen from heaven and back onto earth.

I know people may think that I am an immortal creature who dies in the hands of another creature and never returns in either human or immortal life. I STILL WANT JUSTIN DEAD. But his girlfriend also, in cold hard blood.

I'm back and alive, but NOTHING WILL STOP ME, even my enemy...



I hope you all enjoyed!😊😘😘😘


Next chapter will be uploaded soon!😘


This chapter is dedicated to Ryan Butler who followed me on 6/11/14 on Twitter. Ryan, if you're reading this, thank you SO much for following me and reading my story. I love you.❤️🎥💻🎥🎥🎥

In order for the next chapter to be uploaded, I am shooting for a goal of 5 comments(MINE DONT COUNT!) and 5 votes ON THIS CHAPTER ONLY! Good luck!😘




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