Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

"Sacrifices bring great danger..."

Justin's POV:

Jazymn starts to whimper almost hissing in pain as I still hold her tightly.

"Shhh babe. Calm down. Is your tummy hurting?" I try my best to calm her down as soon as possible so she doesn't start to feel stressed & her water breaks.

"Yeah. It hurts baaaadddllllyyy!!!" She screams from a sudden pain shooting through her. I grab her and squeeze tightly, pushing all of my weight into her. As I do, we arrive to the hospital with screaming fans and police. Once the car stops, fans start to surround the car immediately, trapping us inside. Jazymn gets 10 more shooting pains and almost screams as loud as the thousands of fans around the car.

"Ahhhh!!!! Justin!!!! I wanna push it out!!!!" She screams loudly over the fans, her voice almost starting to crack. I roll down the window and shout: "I NEED EVERYONE TO MOVE OUT OF THE WAY RIGHT NOW! I DON'T CARE IF YOU WANT ME, JAZYMN IS IN SERIOUS PAIN AND I NEED A F****** DOCTOR OUT HERE NOW OR YOU ALL NEED TO MOVE SO WE CAN GET OUT OF THE CAR!"

They all start to move like I asked, making a large pathway for us to get out.

"Jazymn, hang in there for a little bit sweetheart. We are gonna get you some help." I whisper and she nods before I scoop her up, putting herself against me as we make it through into the hospital.

"F*** JUSTIN!!! I NEED TO PUSH!!!" She screams.

"Watch your f****** language babe."

"You just used the f-word. So now you need to watch it." She says before sticking her tounge out at me.

"Ok, ok. You caught me." I say rolling my eyes at her before arriving to the maternity area of the hospital and a nurse & doctor immediately move us into a room setting her into a bed before starting the normal checkup procedure.

The doctor(Dr. Hill), asked Jazymn if he can use the stethoscope to listen to her heart and lungs and she agreed before he put it near her heart while her hand was squeezing tightly to mine, interlocked or intertwined together like a couple in love.

"Take a deep breath in and out Jazymn." Dr. Hill instructed her to do.

"Ok." She says with a small giggle and a HUGE smile creeps across my face because I'm so glad to have her in my life & I can guide her into her own career when she decides to choose one when she gets older.

"I see your here to find out something?" Dr. Hill says and Jazymn covers her face immediately.

"Yes doctor. May I please speak with you outside?" I say before quickly walking out of the room, leaving Jazymn and the nurse alone to talk.

"Of course." He replies before following me outside of the room.

"What's up Justin? Is there something I need to know about Jazymn?" Dr. Hill says.

"Well, here's the problem. I just recently turned her into a werewolf like me, and I'm not sure how she's going to react with the gel on her stomach, so may I please have the honor and privillage of putting on the gel and also swirling the stick thing with you to ummm... see if she's possibly pregnant? I know for a fact that a werewolf pregnancy is much faster than a normal pregnancy."

"Sure you can Justin. Lets go back inside and tell your sister what's going to happen so she won't get too freaked out or worried." Dr. Hill suggests to me.

"Ok." I reply before starting to walk back into the room and towards Jazymn, grabbing her hand, stroking it lightly with my thumb and start to explain what we will do.

"Baby, listen to me, ok?" I say in a serious tone so she listens to me.

"Yes Justin?" She replies with a nervous tone and shakiness in her voice.

"Dr. Hill is going to get an ultrasound machine & gonna look at your tummy and see what's wrong. Please be calm sweetheart. Do you have any questions for Dr. Hill before he gets the equipment?" I try to say calmly without being too harsh & getting the wrong message to Jazymn's head.

"No I don't." She says softly before he leaves the room and the nurse starts to prepare the area so Jazymn feels comfortable during the ultrasound.

The nurse hands me gloves to put on, just as Dr. Hill is entering the room with the ultrasound machine.

"OOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!" Jazymn quickly feels another pain shoot through her.

"Shhhh baby... Calm down for a moment please." I say firmly.

"Ok. I'll try to." She says as she lifts up her shirt so I can put on the cold gel on her tummy.

"It hurts & it's cold." Jazymn whines as I put the gel onto her stomach before Dr. Hill and I grab the stick and start moving it around her tummy, while my other hand holds Jazymn's tightly.

"Looks like we've got something here..." Dr. Hill says immediately, making my eyes totally focused on the ultrasound machine.

"Yes doctor?" I ask concerned.

"Jazymn, your pregnant."

Her eyes open wide in shock and I will never forget that look on her face...



What did ya think?!?!?!

Are you ready to handle the next update???

Love you all.

Updates will be coming out more often hopefully! :)



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