Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"I'll keep fighting... for you..."

Justin's POV:

*The next morning*

I get up around 6:30am and decide to go for a run. As I am running, I notice a black Toyota Camry parked out on the curb near one of the houses and a young teenager around my age, maybe a little younger, sitting in the driver's seat looking at his phone probably. I stop running and walk over to the car and knock on the passenger side window, but he doesn't open it, just gives me a sharp glare. He looks really pale, paler than me, considering my skin color from my wolf traits. He had a slight tan on his skin though, but still VERY white. I quickly step out onto the street, realizing it is a vampire and not paying attention to the paparazzi nearby hiding and taking pictures, before he had a chance to drive away from me. The kid in the car decides to open the door, step out of the car and go in front of it.

I quickly hear cars start to pile up and honk their horns out of irritation. I start to back up against one of the cars growling furiously and feeling my body temperature starting to rise rapidly. I lean my hands back against one of the cars and go into wolf-form like a bullet shooting out of a shot gun. I aim for his neck, punching his shoulder in the process. He quickly pins me to the ground almost making me choke on my own air and face turn red with sweat pouring down my face. He says sharply "Who the f***** h*** are you? Why are you on my territory?"

I quickly kicked him in the groin with great powerful force that sent him though his front windows of his car. He quickly gets up and pins me down on the street. Then out of nowhere, I see a bright white light coming out of my body and a voice inside my head saying "Run justin! Run! I'll fight him for you. Go home and run as fast as you can. Quickly babe..."

And I start to run away...

*at home*

Justin's POV:

When I get back home from my run I start to stumble and breathe heavy over the couch coughing blood out of my mouth.

"Melissa!!!!" I manage to gasp out of my mouth.

"Justin? Are you ok?" She asks me while I gasp for air and cough more blood out.

The only thing I could do in between gasps is point down at my d***.

She quickly realizes what I want and rushes out of the room.

I start to feel very lightheaded and losing consciousness.

The next thing I remember is going black onto the hardwood floors...

Avalanna's POV:

*Before Justin got home*

As I shine my bright light from Justin's body, I start to emerge out of him as I did in the hospital. He stares at me confused and has a face like "what the hell is going on?". Without another moment to spare, I tell him: "Justin, go run home. Now!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He does what I say and runs home, but as he's getting up, his enemy grabs him by the throat and wants him to choke. I quickly grab the enemy and twist his right wrist before kicking him away from me and Justin. I run over to where the enemy fell, and start to kick the f****** s*** out of him until blood starts to pour out of him. He quickly kicks me away with a strong force that had me fly backwards into a white 2012 Ford Escape. I charge at him, determined to kill him. He defeats me again by kicking me hard in the a**. I fall to the ground screaming. The next thing I know is that he is on top of me, his nails very deep into my skin as I scream in pain.

He whispers in my ear, "Do you want to know where Justin's girlfriend is???"...


Hey guys!!!😘😘😘😘

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!😘

Love all of you guys!

Next update will be soon!😘💜👠




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