Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"True love or True war?"

Justin's POV:

"Why a war?" I ask Jazymn.

She sighed before continuing. "Justin, all I know is that it is against your kind and the cold ones.

I shudder when she mentioned the cold ones. I quickly start to breathe heavily and started to bring my heart-rate up very fast.

"Jazzy, get off of the bed now." I sharply say through clenched teeth as my fists start to punch each other into my hands repeatedly. She does what I said and quickly walked over to where Niall and Jaxon were sitting in the chairs. I start to growl and go into the wolf form that most people don't know about...

Niall's POV:

I quickly walk over to where Justin's bed is and I twist his ankle and he jolts out of the bed ripping the IV's off and is on top of me right in my face and tells me right in my face and tells me in a deep wolf-like voice, "What the f****** h*** Niall!!!! I would so f****** kill you right now."

I gulp nervously, afraid of what's going to happen next.

Instead, he gets off of me, and grabs Jazymn and Jaxon and walks out of the room.

I quickly run to catch up with him while he's still at the desk signing the discharge papers to get out of the hospital.

"Justin, do you want me to take Jazzy and Jaxon?" I ask putting my elbow on the counter not taking my eyes off of him.

He gives me a cold and dark glare, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Can I FULLY trust you???" he asks.

"Yes, you can. Don't worry. I'll take care of Jazymn and Jax."

He sighed while signing a few more items on the paper. "Ok, fine. You can take care of them. Let's go home and have lunch, them I have a session at the studio with Scooter at 2:30pm. While I'm gone, you'll take care of Jazymn and Jaxon."

"Ok Justin!" I say with excitement.

I see Justin pick up Jazymn, who looked very very tired, and then takes her and puts her face into his chest so it could be easier for him to carry her out to the car that Justin had one of his servants come and pick us up in.

When we got outside, we were swarmed by fans and beliebers who were trying to pass the security and paparazzi to get to Justin. Once we get to the car, I go around to the other side of it to buckle in Jaxon. After I was done, I walked to the front of the car and got in the passenger seat in the front. Justin sat in the middle of Jazymn and Jaxon, resting his head and sleeping with Jazymn as our driver started the ignition and we drove away from the hospital with screaming fans behind us...

Justin's POV:

As soon as we got back home, I walked over to the couch across from the TV and laid down and called Melissa over to get my IV ready.

"Melissa!!!! Can you come into the living room?" I shouted loudly.

I hear quick clicking of heels from down the hall, knowing it's Melissa.

"Yes Justin? What do you need?" She asks as she sits in one of the other chairs in the living room.

"Can you please get an IV of blood started in my arm? I need sleep and I'm hungry too." I say looking her in the eyes.

"Of course Justin! I'll be right back with that. Do you need anything else?" She replies.

"Can you please go and find Maddie? I need to talk to her and it's urgent."

"Ok. I'll go and see if she's somewhere around the house."

"Thanks Melissa!!"

"No problem Justin. Don't forget you have a session with Scooter at the studio today at 2:30!"

"Ok! I won't forget!!" I reply, quickly drifting of to sleep again.

I feel Melissa put my IV in my arm as I sleep, which causes me to let out a slight growl.

"Shhhh... Justin, your ok. Your fine. Don't worry." I hear Melissa whisper.

"What time is it Melissa?"

"It's 12:10pm. Why?"

"Cause in a little bit I have to get ready to go to the studio."

"Oh. Well I'll let you sleep for a little longer then I'll wake you up around 1:15 so you can get ready."

"Ok, thanks again Melissa." I reply drifting off to sleep once more...

*At 1:10pm*

I hear the sound of heels clicking again knowing that Melissa is going to wake me up soon.

"Justin. Justin, get up. You have to get ready to go to the studio." She says softly into my ear.

I let out a large but soft groan escape my mouth.

I slowly start to move, but feel a tug on my arm and I squeeze my eyes shut because of the sharp tug that has the blood from the IV start to spray out of the tube.

"Owwww!" I say still under gritted teeth as I lay my head back onto the couch, breathing heavily.

She quickly returns from the bathroom upstairs with the first aid kit and starts to clean the blood up from the floor and carefully taking the IV out making sure there's no damage.

I start moving again being able to get off of the couch and stand on the floor, and walk up the staircase.

Before I go to my room, I walk down the hall to use the bathroom. Before entering, I find a note taped on the door with a ring:

Dear Justin,

Go and find someone else to love, not me. It seems like you don't care anymore about me because you left me at your house for days!!! Days Justin!!!! Take the ring back too, considering you don't love me. Oh, and one more thing:

I'm leaving your backpack, forever.

Maddie Westbrook

"Oh no... What the h*** have I gotten into now..." I mutter under my breath ripping off the ring and putting it in my hand...


I wanted to dedicate this chapter to my idol, Justin Bieber.

He has helped me through SO MUCH, it's unbelievable! I can't even describe into words how much he means to me!

Justin, if your reading this, I love you all the way outside of the universe to planets that aren't even discovered!😘

His NEW Twitter is: @sirbizzle__1.

GO FOLLOW HIM! It's the true justin that I and 51.3 Million others have as well.


Next chapter will be up soon!👠💜




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