four; uninvited

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I crouch down next to the two boys behind the tomb stone as I watch the group of people ahead of me. I try to ignore their wide eyes, but Stiles's voice catches my attention. "Wait, what're you doing here?"

I sigh and lean against the side of Scott tiredly, "I came for the show, as I'm guessing you guys did. In reality, I should probably be napping, but you know me, can't miss the family drama."

Scott lightly grabs my arm and I look down at his hand before looking up to the both of them, "Weren't you invited to the funeral?"

I ignore the slight burning in my eyes and cover it up with a laugh, "Yeah, right. You honestly think my dad wants me there? He hasn't look at me once since that night. I can't be anywhere around family. I'm just hoping he hasn't spilled my secret because otherwise I've got a rude awakening coming."

I look back to the people in front of me and feel my eyebrows cross in confusion. I catch sight of the same kid from earlier in the school hallway. I watch as he raises his camera to snap a picture, but an older man reaches out to stop him.

"Are you okay?" I turn to face Scott and Stiles again and this time I really focus on them. Both of their eyes are filled with concern as they watch me.

I shrug and give them a forced smirk, "You think I'm gonna let him hurt my feelings? Please, I'm stronger than that."

Except I'm not.

Every day that he avoids my gaze, or immediately leaves a room the second I enter, slowly breaks my heart further and further. Although, the one skill I have mastered over time is to hide my feels better than anything, I can't lie to myself. I know the truth.

Stiles looks away from me and back to the funeral in front of us, "Who the hell is that?"

I follow his gaze and I realize he's talking about the other man who had taken that kid, Matt's, camera. I stare at him intensely trying to match a name to his face, but I come up with nothing.

"He's definitely an Argent." I nod agreeing with him.

An Argent for sure.

Stiles sighs hopefully, "Hey, you know, maybe they're just here for the funeral. I mean-what if they're the non-hunting side of the family? There could be non-hunting Argents. It's possible, right?" He looks to Scott before turning his head to look at me. "Is that possible?"

I slowly shake my head doubtfully, "I don't know. I haven't really met anyone from outside of my immediate family since I was little."

Scott continues to stare ahead before speaking, "I know what they are. They're reinforcements."

☾      ☾       ☾

I close the math textbook in front of me with a heavy sigh. Math homework will one day be the death of me. I lean my elbows against my desk and slowly rub my eyes, trying to remove the sleepiness from them. I glance over at my welcoming bed and stand to lay down before a knock on my door stops me. My heart skips a beat in my chest and I freeze. I move forward and slowly open the door.

"We need to talk. Now." I stare at my dad as he stands completely still in front of me. I notice his eyes are attached to the floor and they don't move as I continue to stand still. I don't step back, or open the door further, I just stand my ground and wait for him to meet my eyes.

He doesn't.

I let a scoff and feel my face twist in anger, "How are we supposed to talk when you can't even look at me?" I cringe as I hear my voice break lightly. I blink away the slight wetness in my eyes, but I don't let him see my pain. His eyes still stay distracted as he crosses his arms over his chest. I roll my own eyes and move to close my door, "You can't even look your own daughter in the eyes."

I jump slightly when he puts his hand on my door and stops it from closing. Now, I have his attention.

I wish I didn't.

His eyes seem darker than they did days ago. He's staring right at me, giving me what I've been asking for. His face in emotionless, but as I stare into his eyes I see it. The slightest bit of disgust. And disappointment.

He steps forward and I step away from him before crossing my own arms over my chest, "What do you want me to say? That I'm okay with what happened? I'm not, Abigail. I don't know if I ever will be. Your grandfather is here, I haven't told him about your new friends or that you're..."

I feel my breathing begin to grow faster at his words and each one feeling like a knife in my chest. I do what I do best and channel my sadness into anger, "Do you want me to say thank you? For what? Protecting your daughter? Isn't that what you're supposed to do?" I glare at him and again his eyes have fallen to the floor and they stay there. I slowly shake my head and let my breath fall from my lips slowly, "I get it. Stay clear of the family, keep my secret, and make sure I don't screw everything up. I got it. Now, get out."

He sighs and without glancing at me once more he moves to the door. I watch as he leaves, but before the door completely shuts, he hesitates. I hold my breath waiting for something, anything, but nothing ever comes. The door clicks shut and with the sound I fall back onto my bed. I let out the air I hold been holding in and with the loneliness comes the tears. I angrily wipe them from cheeks, mad that I let him make me feel this way.

I put my hand over my mouth to muffle the sound of my own sadness. I try to calm my breathing, but it seems to be in control of itself.

I stand and run my hands repeatedly through my hair.

I can't be here.

As if in a trance, I move towards my window and pull it open. I stare at the darkness outside before lifting myself out of the window.

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