thirty five; lizard librarian

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I sit and glare across the table at Jackson. He avoids my gaze as much as he can, but I continue to stare and tap my fingers rapidly against the table. The sound echoing loudly around the library. Jackson suddenly looks between Scott and Stiles before turning to Harris, "Oh, uh-we can't be in detention together. I have a restraining order against these tools."

Harris nods to each of us individually, "All of these tools?"

Stiles raises his hand and motions between himself and Scott, "No, just us tools."

Harris roles his eyes annoyed before pointing to a table a few feet away, "Fine. You two, over there."

I start to grab my stuff as well, wanting to be away from Jackass. Plus, I needed to speak with Scott, hopefully sooner than later. Whatever happened in that locker room was different and at this point there is too much going on to keep from him. "Miss. Argent, did I ask you move? No. You can keep Mr. Whittemore company since you're the only one he doesn't have a problem with out of the three of you."

I can't help the look of disgust that falls over my face, "That'd be great and all, but I have a problem with him."

"Honestly, Miss. Argent, I do not care." He looks back down at the papers in front of him and I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head. Thankfully Allison is still with me so I'm not left to my own vices with Jackass.

I catch the rage in his Scott's gaze as it settles on Jackson from across the room. I needed to be over there, not here. I turn back to the table begrudgingly, noticing my sister watching the boys behind me intently. Before I can try to listen in to whatever spastic shit Stiles is saying I catch another set of eyes glaring ahead, but this time I notice the heated look directed towards Scott, coming from Matt.

I ignore the twist in my stomach as I continue to watch, but turn back. "No, we're gonna find out who's controlling him so we can help him!"

Scott's glare continues to rest on the back of Jackson's head, "No, you were right. Let's kill him." As much as I would love to take him out, Scott would never let himself live that down. Even in his anger I know he would never kill Jackson, not when there is still a possibility of helping him and stopping whoever is controlling him.

"Kanima." My blood briefly runs cold at the hushed word. For a moment I wonder if it was just another voice echoing in my head, but no. I turn back to my sister and see her watching Matt intently. He gazes down at the small tablet in his hands before locking the screen after seeing both of us observing him.

What in the hell does he have on that screen? My gut twist again and I hear Stiles voice filter through my ears, "What if it's Matt?" I glance over and see Stiles watching him with suspicion. While usually Stiles' ideas come across a little far fetched, this one makes me stop and think. I look down at my hands, waiting for some kind of sign.

Tingling, a voice, something.

What is the point of my 'gift' if it doesn't come in handy when I need it. I close my eyes and try to center myself, picturing Matt's face in my head...all those times he's just happened to be around, his weird little smiles, and how now he's obviously got some type of information about the Kanima.

"Earth to Abby," I jump when I feel cold skin rest against my hand. I yank back and open my eyes to find all three of them starring at me from around the table. I look down to see none other than Jackson's hand still being held out from where he touched me. I sneer and hold back my snark before Allison leans closer and speaks in a quiet voice, "Are you okay? Looked like you spaced out for a second there."

I just force a smile her way, not exactly being able to tell her I was trying to see if I could use some supposed powers to help figure out whoever the hell is doing this. Or cancel out who the hell isn't doing it. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just trying to make this go as quickly as I can."

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