thirteen; creature of the night

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I inhale deeply as I stare at the open window in confusion. I cautiously remove my textbooks from my lap and let my feet lightly touch the floor. My eyes quickly scan my room, but fortunately everything looks normal.

I slide my hand under my pillow and wrap my fingers around the steel switch blade laying there. With it ready to be used against any harm, I move to window and pull it shut harshly. I turn back around and my eyes immediately settle on the bathroom door that's sitting a jar.

I squint at the sight and begin to move towards it. I stop just inches away before simultaneously switching open my blade, pushing open the door, and flicking on the lights. I let out a breath of relief when I see nothing but the norm.

I roll eyes at myself, I seriously need to catch up on some sleep.

I laugh lightly and close the blade before turning back to my room. I toss the knife back onto my bed and use the hair tie on my wrist to throw my hair up into a messy bun. Suddenly I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up as I feel something fall onto my cheek from above me.

I raise my hand and slowly swipe the drop of liquid from my skin. My heart skips a beat at the sight of an unfamiliar clear goo currently on my finger tip. I gasp as something slides up from the bottom of my spine to my neck. I jump forward and climb onto my bed reaching for my knife.

My fingers skim the metal, but before I can get a grip, I feel pressure around my ankle. I'm yanked away from my source of safety and I land roughly on the floor. I groan as a light pain begins to echo through my head. I flipped over and a feel a weight over my body. I open my eyes and a sudden gasp gets caught in my throat.

Something like I have never seen stares back at me, just inches away. I solely focus on the reptilian eyes that widely watch my every move. They have a distant, but somehow familiar look in them. I slowly rake my eyes down the creature in front of me, taking in its features. It's skin is completely covered in blue-green scales and has a thick looking substance on it. I think back to the clear substance that was on my cheek prior and hold back a gag at the thought. It's body eerily resembled a person and the thought made goose bumps appear on my skin.

Without waiting any longer for this thing to attack me in some way, I reach forward and let the bottom of palm connect with its face. It's body is removed from above me and without a second thought, I leap up onto my bed.

I grab my knife, slide off to the other side, and switch open the blade again. The creature begins to slowly stand from its position on the floor and I wince at the angered look in its eyes. It slowly begins to move towards me again, but I race over to my bedroom door and rip it open.

I don't hesitate to run down the stairs, taking them two at a time. I yell out in pain at the feeling of something catching the skin on the back of my neck. I lose my footing as the pain from my neck distracts me.

I trip down the last few remaining stairs before rolling into my side. I reach behind me and feel the warm blood oozing from the small cut. I pull my hand forward and look at the crimson color covering my fingers. The creature begins to slowly crawl towards me on all fours.

It looks smug--as if it knows it's won, like I have no choice, but to give up.

Instead, I raise my foot and nail a kick right to its face. I crawl backwards as fast as I can, but I don't miss the look of pure confusion and shock on its face.

I flinch as it suddenly moves towards me, but after I feel nothing but a burst of cold air run over my skin I turn and see the front door wide open.

The lizard person no where to be found.


A/N: Hey, so yikes that was a while between updates. I was totally and utterly stressed with finals, but I take my last one tomorrow morning (in literally like 4 hours) and then I will be back on regular schedule! Thank you guys for being understanding and waiting patiently for updates ❤️ also it's like 2 a.m., so excuse any mistakes in this chapter please

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