ten; annoying deputies

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Stiles looks between Derek and I as we sit in front of the police station, "Okay, now the key to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk."

I look over to the window and see a woman standing at the desk, "I'll distract her."

I look to Derek with a raised eyebrow as he moves to open his door, "You'll what?"

Stiles turns to Derek and quickly grabs onto his sleeve pulling him back into the Jeep, "Whoa, whoa, whoa-you? You're not going in there," I watch from the backseat as Derek looks down menacingly at Stiles's hand, "I'm taking my hand off."

Although usually I would laugh at the exchange, I scoot further up onto the backseat and glare slightly at Derek.

"I was exonerated." He looks between the two of us before double taking to me. I don't remove my glare and it only worsens when he moves his gaze back to Stiles.

Stiles shrugs slightly, not understanding Derek's point, "You're still a person of interest."

"An innocent person." A loud laugh cuts through the silence after his words and it takes a second to realize it came from me.

I put a hand over my mouth and try to contain my laughter, "Innocent?"

Derek just sends me a blank look before Stiles's joins my taunting, "You? You're kidding?" Derek then turns and deeply glares at him before Stiles sighs deflated.

"Okay, fine. What's your plan?"

"To distract her." I raise an eyebrow at his simple answer, but I know that if he goes any more in depth I most likely will not be liking it.

Stiles rolls his eyes at his broadness, "Uh-huh. How? By punching her in the face?" He makes a not so mean looking face and grunts lightly. I laugh lightly at the sight from the backseat.

Derek sighs annoyed, "Ha, by talking to her."

I raise my eyebrow even further and lean between the seats and face him, "Just gonna talk to her, huh? That's it? Just a little chat?"

His eyes meet mine before flashing to Stiles behind me, as if reminding me he's in the car with us. I heavily roll my own and lean back between them.

"Okay, all right. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?" Stiles states at Derek expectedly, but he doesn't say a single thing. "Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"

He looks to me and I shrug still annoyed at this whole plan.

Derek looks up with a thoughtful look before turning back to Stiles, "I'm thinking about punching you in the face."

I shove both of their shoulders in annoyance, "Just go. If we have to do this dumb ass plan let's get it moving."

I jump down from the Jeep and feel a hand lay against my lower back. Derek guides me around the car before the warmth from his hand leaves at the sight of Stiles starring at us oddly.

I walk into the station behind the two, then Stiles and I stay behind the one closed door as Derek moves to the front desk. The same woman from before strolls out while reading a file, "Good evening, how can I help-" Her dull voice raises slightly as her eyes catch sight of Derek, "You?"

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