Chapter Four - "Starting a Friendship With Someone New"

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"Dan's POV"

Oh my god. Why did I even just mention that? I'm such an idiot, I thought to myself as I felt Phil's eyes piercing through me. Within seconds Phil was on his feet, and out the door into the cold air of London.

I couldn't move, I had every emotion going through me at once. Except the good ones. I felt myself beginning to cry again as I saw Logan walking over to me in the corner of my eye.

"Uh, hey... If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened with you two? I'm Logan by the way" He said as he sat down across from me, expecting me to have this long story planned out for him.

"Oh, just drama, you know. I can't believe I'm such a fuck up", I replied sharply. "My names Dan" I added to lighten the blow I had just given.

"Well Dan, even though we only just met, I feel like I could maybe be of some help to your little problem, that's only if you, you know, want me to. I'm happy to help you out" he said, a little to cheerfully on my opinion.

"Uh.. Thanks Logan, I guess. I do need someone to vent my problems to, I'm kinda lonely as it is..." I said as my tears finally started to slow. Maybe Logan could turn out to be a pretty nice guy.

"Well, as you can see, I'm doing a shift at the moment, but I'm happy for you to drop by my apartment tomorrow, if you want to chat," He told me.

"Yeah, sure, that sounds good" I replied. We exchanged phone numbers and he gave me directions to his apartment, and then I realised. I totally forgot about Phil.

"Thanks Logan, but I gotta run" I yell to him as my feet carry me out the same door my best friends did just moments ago. I can't believe I forgot all about him. I am such a bad friend. Now if I was Phil, where would I be? I thought about that question for a while before I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was a private number again. It was probably Milly checking on us to see if we have gotten ourselves into a brawl yet, I bet. But this was much worse. Phil could be anywhere. I decided to answer.

"Hello? Dan Speaking" I answered.
"Hey Dan, It's Milly. Just checking to see if you and Phil are going alright?" She asked.

I told you it was her. And that it was to check on us. I sighed. And decided to lie.

"Uh, yeah we are doing just fine, thanks for asking. I gotta go in the middle of an important conversation-thingy with Phil" I hesitatingly said.

"Da-" I hung up on her. She is honestly the last of my troubles right now, especially when my best friend is on a rampage. Trust me, when he gets mad, the only way he vents is to run and hide somewhere that he thinks is safe. That's exactly it! I thought. Where would Phil hide, that he thinks is safe? My apartment! I don't know why, but I just feel like that's where he is. So I picked my feet up off the ground and bounded down the street towards the apartment. I haven't done this much physical activity since high school I thought as my apartment was drawing closer. I knew Phil knew where I kept the spare key, so he would of let himself in.

As I approached the door to my apartment, I didn't really know if I should knock or not. I mean it's my home, but anything could be happening behind that door this second. I hesitated before finally deciding to pull my key out of my back pocket and slide it into the lock. As I closed the door behind me I could hear very faint sobs coming from upstairs. Like I've said to myself before, I know my best friend so well.

I placed my key in the bowl on the table near the door and walked up into the lounge room where I placed my phone on the coffee table and slowly walked trying to make the least sound possible, down the hall and to Phil's bedroom door. I slowly pushed it open to discover that Phil wasn't in here. Oh, then where would he be? I walked back down the hallway to the bathroom and checked in there. Not here either. Maybe I was just hearing things.

I have given up on finding Phil, he's probably gone back to Milly now anyways. I thought some tumblr might be a good thing to take this weight off my chest and lighten my mood a bit. I slowly walked over to the kitchen and poured myself a cold glass of Ribena, before marching my way to my room, eager to start browsing. Just before I pushed my door open, I heard light breathing coming from behind the door. Phil? I didn't want to open the door because there was a possible chance that it wasn't Phil. But who else would be in my apartment? So I just went for it.

I pushed my door open slowly, and it made a creaking noise towards the end. I really needed to get that fixed. It reveal to me a sleeping Phil wrapped in my duvet, still sobbing slightly. I was a bit creeped out that he was here in my bed, I mean he hasn't even been in the apartment for the last three years. But I had to admit, he looked adorable. I was contemplating whether to wake him up or just leave him to rest, and in the end I just decided to leave him there, he looked like he needed a good rest anyway.

I brought my laptop out to the lounge room, and sat in my usual spot on the lounge as I thought about what sort of mood Phil was going to be in when he arose from his slumber.

Authors Note;

Chapter 4! Sorry it was kind of a short chapter, but I assume the story is getting better, I hope. The next chapter should be pretty long, maybe. Comment, Vote and all the Jazz. Thanks for reading!

abunchofpheels C:

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