Chapter 12

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It was cold, but it wasn't. At least, it felt cold. Just sitting alone he didn't notice how different it felt. He was not a heavy sleeper, but he was usually in deep sleep by now. He tried, but he couldn't shake the heavy thickness of exhaustion he felt. He wanted sleep desperately,  but it kept slipping from him. To say he was afraid wouldn't be entirely truthful, but to say he had a new sense of uncomfort would be. He thought to himself the incredible sensation of being hot and cold at the same time. 

"It's no use", he mumbled. The music flowing through his earbuds didn't help anything, it only made his mind stay moving. The lyrics he had enjoyed and loved somehow had no meaning right now. It may as well had just been distorted noise. He tried to kick off his blankets, which he had tangled around his paws. He tried not of think, because he knew it only make the situation worse. Scrolling through the playlist, no song mattered. Same corner of the screen he kept tapping. Next, next, next. Before now, it was never noticed how each song had similar beats, rhythm, and lyric style. The same. No different. Frustrating. It felt like no escape. He was unnecessary, but needed. Wanted, but not required. It made no sense! Why? It was just one day. So how could it make so much difference?

He wanted so badly to make a sound. A specific sound. A roar, an angry grunt. But, it was not his way. Besides, there was nothing really wrong. It just felt. Felt. Not good. Or right. He desperately tried to convince himself that he was tired. A twitch. An itch. Something. Everything. It all felt like it was too much. Something was approaching.  A point. Breaking. A breaking point. Right before it all. Before the point. A sound. But it wasn't a sound. No sound. Nothing. It took him a moment to realize what really happened. Looking at the screen, it was the problem. Nothing. Gone. Dead. Now he had a reason. Untangled himself and got up. He found the charger and plugged it in. 

It was good to have a reason to do something. Anything. But he realized how bad that was. Alone. Now he was really alone. With his thoughts. Sure, the music didn't help. But now sleep would never come if he was alone. With his thoughts. They, and in a way himself, would never allow him to sleep. He mumbled something inaudible and foreign to even himself.  He let out a sigh. The sigh was for nobody, but also for everybody. 

He crept through the door of his room. He headed to the one place. Just down the hall. He traced his claws against the doorknob. He slowly turned it.

"G-Grizz?", he quietly whispered. Go in. Go back. His thoughts conflicted. He was about to go back. A stir. Blankets moving. The sound of paws.

"Pan-Pan?", A familiar voice asked. Maybe this wasn't the things to do. 

"I-I need you", Panda confessed. 

"What?", Grizz asked. He didn't understand. Tell him.

"I can't sleep. The time when you slept in my bed with me. After that I have trouble sleeping without you", Panda explained. 

A pause. A moment of silence. A second that felt like forever.

"You too? I've felt the same way", Grizz confessed.

Without saying anything Panda rushed over and climbed in the bed with him. Warm. Soft. Comforting. Tired. Everything he wanted right now.

"I tried going to sleep. Nothing worked. It's weird. Just one night and I can't sleep anymore, either.", Grizz said, looking Panda directly in the eyes. "Without you I mean"

Panda wrapped his arms around Grizz, their chests touching. Grizz didn't say anything. They both just embraced the moment of just being together. Soft. His fur. Panda snuggled up closer and soon. Finally. Found sleep. 

Soon after Grizz drifted off to sleep. He dreamed of them. Together. Of a hill. Looking. Everything that can be. The future. Together. 

Hey, guys. Sorry for the lack of updates. Writers block combined with school is terrible. In this chapter I tried a different writing style. Really, this chapter was just a test of how it would look. I'll try to update way more often. (Hopefully)

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