Chapter 29

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 It had been 3 months of Grizz tending to Panda and making sure that he was always feeling good. Panda had his up's and down's. Including things such as feeling the baby kick and ideas of what to name it. Grizz had especially become very excited on the idea of being a dad.

Grizz was excited for other reason's besides that; he was finally going to ask for Panda's hand---paw. And he already had the perfect place to take him. It would all take place this night.

I'm gonna finally do it! We'll all be together and be a family, Grizz sighed to himself as he gazed at Panda curled up on the couch.

Grizz tiptoed his way back to the bedroom and found the small box where he kept the two bracelets for them. It was the only things that they could fit, but for Grizz they represented more than that. They represented the love they have for each other and what would soon be to come.


Panda woke up and stretched lazily. He felt a bit bloated and sluggish, but otherwise okay. He found that being pregnant ironically required him to do a lot of nothing. Going out and participating in activities often left him out of breath and back to the cave.

Grizz is so patient with me.....I really want to make it up to him, Panda thought to himself. 

Panda woke up and stretched lazily. He felt a bit bloated and sluggish, but otherwise okay. He found that being pregnant ironically required him to do a lot of nothing. Going out and participating in activities often left him out of breath and back to the cave.

Grizz is so patient with me.....I really want to make it up him, Panda thought to himself.

Looking around the living room, Panda noticed that Grizz wasn't acutally in the room. He got up, feeling surprisingly steady on his feet.

"Uh, Grizz? Where are you", Panda chuckled a bit.

Freaking out, Grizz fumbled with the box, quickly stashing it back into it's hiding place. 

"Oh, I'm in here, Pan-Pan", Grizz called back, breathing a sigh of relief.

Panda shuffled into the bedroom smiling at Grizz.

"What are you up to?", Panda giggled, instantly recognizing his mate's strange behavior.

"Oh, me? I'm not up to anything. Nope. Not me. Nothing at all", Grizz smirked.

"Uh, alright then", Panda rolled his eyes playfully.

Yes! Totally sold it!, Grizz thought to himself.

"Well, I'm feeling pretty good today, do you... Um... Go anywhere?", Panda asked, looking down at his paws as he asked.

Grizz just smiled at how cute his little Panda looks. But then an idea sprung into his mind. This was the moment he was waiting for! He do everything he wanted to do. Sure, it feels a bit sudden, but they already see each other as mates.

I just want it to feel official, Grizz reassured himself.

"Uh, yeah. I have a place in mind", Grizz said, surprising Panda. He looked up from his paws to Grizz's smiling face.

"I hope you don't mind, but we'll go there this evening", Grizz told him.

"Uh, alright", Panda nodded. He went back into the living room.

Grizz breathed a sigh of relief as his plans weren't discovered.

Panda went to sit back down on the couch. He felt a small prick of excitement as he thought of what Grizz could be planning.

Grizz leaned forward and took tge bracelets out one more time beofre nodding. Not to anyone in particular, but himself.

"Tonights the night, Grizz. Today you're going to be a father and a husband", he pumped himself up. Quickly putting them back in thier hiding place, once again. He rushed to his phone and quickly made a reservation to a very special place.

As evening rolled around both Grizz and Panda were both extremely excited. Both for different reasons. Panda was happy to be out of the cave and with Grizz. Grizz was excited over dedicating himself to his mate entirely.

"A-are you ready to go?", Grizz asked.

"Go? Go where? Are we gonna need any money? Do we need to call a taxi?", Panda stammered.

"Hehe. Nope. I got everything taken care of. And plus, we can walk there. After all, that's how we first got there", Grizz chuckled as he lead Panda out of the cave.

🐼🐻Hopeless Romantic (A Grizz x Panda)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon