Chapter 24

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Grizz's ears perked as a knock on the door was heard. He rushed in and opened it, relieved to see the doctor come in, especially at the short notice.

After explaining what happened, Grizz hung back as the doctor talked through the bathroom door to Panda. 

"Excuse me? Mr. Panda? How are you feeling?", the doctor called.

"Uh, I'm not doing too well", Panda groaned from the bathroom.

"Panda, my name is Dr. Mavis. Do you think you could come back so we can see what's up?", she asked gently. 

Without saying anything, the bathroom door slowly opened and Panda slowly stepped out. He looked pale and extremely tired. 

 "Alright, now would you mind if we moved to your room so we can check you out?", Dr. Mavis asked.

"Y-yeah, sure", Panda nodded. Grizz watched as they both slowly walked to the bedroom. He thought about following them, but he found it was just better to let the doctor do her thing and help Panda out. 

He'll be fine. Like he always turns out fine. Maybe it's just a new allergy reaction of his, Grizz thought to himself as he plopped down on the couch. There wasn't much to actually do to keep himself occupied.

Flipping channels, Grizz found the nature channel. It was a documentary on foxes. Not paying attention to what the narrator was actually saying, he watched the golden furred creature dart through the grasses and sniffing the air. It made him wonder if they would show a grizzly on the show. Him and his brothers were always interested in how feral bears act compared to them. 

They always found it weird that bears just stomp around outdoors. his ears perked as he heard Panda groan from the bedroom. Jumping to his feet he dashed to the bedroom.

"Uh, is everyrthing alright in here?", Grizz asked, poking his head in.

"Oh, yes. We're just about finished up here", Dr. Mavis smiled, standing up.

"So, did you figure out what's, uh, wrong with me?", Panda shivered.

"Well, as we ran the tests I couldn't find anything wrong. But I did get a few samples. We'll go ahead and test them for you. We'll call you and see what we find", Dr. Mavis informed as she made her way towards the front door.

"Oh, okay. Well, thank you so much", Grizz smiled as he walked out with her to her car.

"It's no trouble, really. I'll contact you as soon as the tests come in", she nodded before climbing in her car.

Grizz turned and made his way back into the cave. He immediately went into the bedroom. Panda was laying down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Pan-Pan. You do alright?", Grizz asked, sitting down next to him.

"Well, I don't feel as bad as I did before ", Panda smiled a bit.

"Guess we'll have to see what we get tomorrow", Grizz sighed.

"Yeah...I think I'm gonna turn in", Panda yawned.

"Okay. Goodnight, Pandy", Grizz sighed as he cut off the light and wrapped his paws across Panda's chest, feeling his breathing slow.

Eventually Panda fell asleep, leaving Grizz awake. He couldn't help but gently stroke Panda's fur, until the feeling lulled him to sleep. 

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