Chapter 31

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I remained by Panda's side as we all rushed our way into the emergency center. Panda was pushed in on the stretcher. I was trying to follow when a nurse blocked my path.

"I'm sorry, sir. But we'll need you to wait outside while we treat the patient", the nurse told me.

"But....But I"

"Sir, we understand. But we need to focus on the patient. Just wait outside and we'll let you know if anything happens", she stated.

Feeling utter defeat, I turned around and paced back and forth in the waiting room.

I could feel my heart pounding and his stomach turning over and over. All the while I was trying hard to push the worst fears out of my mind.

Panda is going to be fine, I convinced myself.

No one else was on the waiting room right now. It must be super early by now. Looking up for a clock I found one that read 3:13 AM.

I sat down in one of the chairs. Every second that passed felt like an hour and every actual hour felt like an eternity. Not only did I want my Panda to be safe and happy, but being in a place like this.... Reminds me of Ice.... It all makes me uneasy. But now's not the time to dwell on that. I, have to focus on Panda. He needs me now, more than ever.

Looking around only made ne even more frustrated as everything was the same white color. The walls, ceiling and floor.

"Ugh. We've got to get out of here", Grizz groaned, to himself.

My ears perked as I heard the door to the emergency room open. I got up and almost ran into the nurse stepping out.

"How is he?!", I gasped, my heart pounding even fiercer than before.

"He's just fine. I'm glad we got him ib when we did. Or it might have been too late", she stated.

"Well, did he? Uh... You know... Did he give birth?", I asked, feeling myself blush a little.

"He did not. It seems it was a false alarm. Things like this tend to happen, especially with first-time carriers. Right now we're just checking him up to see how far along he is", the nurse explained.

Honestly I was relieved. I'm glad that Panda is okay, but I also want to be there when the cub is being delivered.

"Is it okay if I see him?", I asked.

She nodded and let me pass her into the room. My full focus was on Panda laying gently on the hospital bed.

"Grizz", he sighed. I dashed up to his side. He was smiling gently, but looked flushed and tired all the same.

"How are you feeling?", I asked.

"Just tired", Panda whispered. "Sorry I put you through all this, Grizz. I really thought...."

"Aww, it's okay, Pan-Pan. It's not your fault. I mean, this isn't a thing we can be 100 percent sure about", I explained, just wanting to hold him and take him home.

Suddenly the door opened and the one who stepped in was Panda's doctor; Dr. Mavis.

"Hello, boys. I'm glad to see that both of you are here. There's actually something that we need to discuss", she said firmly.

Now having our attention, she continued. "We looked over things like the ultrasound, blood pressure, and the progress of the baby and well.... Now you two are aware that a situation of a male being impregnated is rather.... unusual", she paused.

I saw Panda blush a bit as she said that, but he still listened to what she had to say.

"I'm not sure how to say this any other way so I'm going to be completely blunt. Panda, when you go into labor it won't be through the normal means like if it were a female. We're not entirely sure how we are going to handle the delivery. But.... Panda... There's a great chance you will not survive", she stated.

"What?!", I choked out. I felt my mouth instantly feel like it was stuffed with cotton and my heart skip a few beats. Panda just remained silent.

"We are sure that the cub can make it safe, but as for you... There are a lot of things that can go wrong....", Dr. Mavis sighed, looking down at the ground.

"Is there anything we can do?", Panda asked, his voice now a constricted whispered.

"I'm afraid the only other option we have is.... Well... How do I put this? If we went that route you wouldn't be having a cub at all"

"You mean an abortion?!", I gasped not believing what I was just told. "So it's Panda's life or the cub's?!"

She nodded solemnly. My whole world felt like it was crashing down around me. I can't go on without Panda, but I don't want to lose our kid just because of that...

"I....I'm going to keep the cub", I was surprised to hear Panda. He was shaking in my paws, but his eyes shown with determination.

"You said there's a chance I can make it through, so I'm gonna take that chance. I want our cub to have a life all their own. If I have to.... I'll put my life on the for it", Panda said, his voice quivering.

"It's your choice, but please call me often. And I'll call you if we can figure out other options", Dr. Mavis sighed as she made her way out of the room. Leaving us alone again.

"Panda! How could this happen...?", It was all I could manage to say to him.

"I'm sorry, Grizz. This is all my fault..", Panda sobbed, burying his face into my chest.

"No, don't say that. Panda we can do this. We're gonna have a cub and raise them together. We have to be strong, that's all", I tried to convince him, but I was shattered inside.

"Grizz....I can't. I'm not strong like you...", Panda sobbed.

"Panda can I ask you something", I said gently. "Do you love me?"

"O-of course I do", Panda nodded.

"Then just hold on. I'm not sure how, but we can do this.... I love you too much to let you go Panda", I whimpered.

🐼🐻Hopeless Romantic (A Grizz x Panda)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin