Chapter 32

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"But are you really sure about this?", Dr. Mavis asked for what seemed like the 50th time.

"Yes. I want this baby to happen. You said there was a chance that I could do it, so I'm gonna take that chance", Panda huffed in determination.

"Very well. I just want you to know that when the time comes I'll make sure we do eveything we can", Dr. Mavis sighed as she left the room.

"Uh, Panda? Are you truly sure about this. I love you so much and I'm so happy to have this cub, but if that means I could lose you...", Grizz sighed, feeling a knot of selfishness twist in his stomach.

"I know, I know....But...", Panda sighed as well. Just a day ago he felt the happiest he had ever been. And now he looked around the hospital room, feeling the sting of the bomb that was just dropped on the both of them.

"Look, whatever happens...I'm gonna be here", Grizz smiled gently.

"Thanks, Grizz", Panda chuckled. "I can always count on you"


*3 weeks later*

Panda sat on the living room couch, flipping through each channel. I seemed that there was never anything interesting on the weekends, the days where people are actually watching.

"Man, there's nothing on", Panda groaned aloud.

"Hmmm, how about you find a movie?", Grizz suggested, his voice echoing from the kitchen.

"Yeah, but all the movies on are the same ones that were shown last week", Panda whined, finally setting the remote down.

"How about we actually do something today?", Panda asked as he made he way to the kitchen.

THe first thing he saw was Grizz in the kitchen eating a giant sandwich. Between the bread was a stacks of meat, lettuce, tomatoes, what Panda could count up as four pickles, and about maybe three slices of cheese.

"Grizz? What the heck are you eating?", Panda snickered as Grizz couldn't even fit the sandwhich in his muzzle.

"Oh, you know...just trying to have lunch", Grizz grinned.

"Yeah, with about everything in the vegetable drawer. C'mon, what even am I gonna eat? Last night I ran out of peanut butter cookies and then I thought we had some ice cream sandwhiches, but when I went to check the freezer they were all gone; then I remembered I ate all of them, and even worse I ate the last box of gronola bars so now we're out of those too...", Panda ranted.

"Wait a minute....Peanut butter coo.....Ice cream......Gronola...Hold on! I bought all that yesterday. Panda, you ate all those in one day?!", Grizz gasped as he got up. He dropped his sandwhich back onto it's plate. Rushing over to the freezer he found that the ice cream sandwiches were all gone, halve the mini ice cream cups were gone, too. Moving over to the cupboards he shook his head as he realized that the only remains of the overaboundance of cookies that they had bought was only reduced to only 4 boxes. Even worse, just like Panda said, all the peanut butter cookies were gone.

"Woah, bro. Do even realize how much that all was?", Grizz asked, standing in a bit of shock.

"I..I guess", Panda blushed. "Sorry, I just get cravings, and I always feel hungry now..."

"Oh no, it's okay. Heh. I honstestly expected you to be eating this much since when we were still cubs. We are bears after all. And you always ate the least...", Grizz pointed out.

"Well, okay. As long as you're not mad", Panda sighed in releif.

"Of course I'm not. I mean look at this sanwich right here", Grizz smiled as he sat back down at the kitchen table.

Panda just smiled, turning back into the living room. He plopped back down on the couch, and looked down at his even rounder than ususal tummy.

"Hey, uh. Grizz?", Panda called.

"Do you think the cub is going to be a girl or a boy?", Panda asked.

"Aww, come on. I thought we agreed... We would see where they're born", Grizz laughed.

"Come on, come on. Just for fun", Panda insisted.

"Okay, boy", Grizz shrugged, not taking the game seriously.

"I kinda expect a boy, too", Panda smiled as rubbed his stomach gently.

"Uh, Pan-Pan. I think it would be cool to have a girl, too. Like it would be really different", Grizz thought aloud.

"It's just pretty cute to know pretty soon we'll soon have another bear just running around", Panda chuckled as he laid back on the couch.

Within no time he felt himself drift off to sleep, soon dreaming.

He opened his eyes to find himself surrounded by.... white snow.

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