Chapter 30

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Grizz took Panda's paw and led the way. His mind was racing with ideas of how to make it the best date ever.

Panda meanwhile was just looking around. It was after sunset. The sky was dark and full of stars. Above them were old style street posts that gave the area a grand appearance. As if the night was waiting for them both and was eager to show them what it had to offer.

"We're almost there", Grizz announced, snapping Panda from his gazes.

"Where exactly are we going?", Panda asked. The row of lamps, all outlined a single walkway. It all seemed familiar but different.

But as they stopped and Panda saw a familiar sign it all clicked back in his mind.

"Oh, this... This is the nature trail! We haven't been here since...Uh", Panda tried to think of exactly how long it was.

"I know. It has been that long. And look up there", Grizz pointed to the top of the hill. You could see faint lights twinkling above. "Mike told me way more people come up there now. So much so that you gotta set up a reservation now"

"Wow. I guess we really help out", Panda smiled as they entered the trail.

"Yeah. Some people saw our post from back then and came up here. They told their friends and so on and so forth", Grizz explained.

"I guess we really did help them out", Panda smiled.

"So....You ready to go up?", Grizz chuckled, pointing up to the top.

"You mean....? Well, sure. Let's go. Hey. Have you been up there recently?", Panda asked.

Grizz looked at Panda in confusion. "Uh, no".

"Good, I want us to see how much it has changed since we've been there before", Panda said, puting his paw on Grizz's shoulder. "Let's go, Grizz!"

Before Grizz could turn around Panda was already speed walking his way up the path.

"Hey! Pan-Pan! Wait up!", Grizz laughed as he chased after him.

"Alright, alright", Panda giggled. The two had just started the climb up the trail and already Panda was a giggling mess. Grizz caught up to him and wrapped his big bear arms around him.

"Caught ya! Thought you could get away from me?", Grizz chuckled, nuzzling into Panda's neck fur.

"Oh! Grizz! Come check this out", Panda gasped.

"Hmmm, what is it?", Grizz asked.

"The cub is kicking", Panda smiled warmly. He took Grizz's paw and placed it gently on his tummy.

Grizz felt his heart swell with excitement and love for him unborn child, already feeling out for the outside world. He looked up at Panda's face. Panda was just simply staring down at his paws gently feeling the cub.

"It shouldn't be too long now", Panda smiled. "Isn't it amazing? We're going to have a cub. We still have to prepare things like a crib, bottles, educational videos and...."

"Awww, Panda. I don't think we'll need all that. Besides the kid will be a bear cub. Do you think it'll be like us?", Grizz asked. "Like will it be a city bear or a feral one"

"City bear. No doubt. Especially with us as parents", Panda laughed as they continued up. They turned right as a crossroad and came to the familiar spot. The edge of the cliff, protected by an ivy gate. Off in the distance was the city aglow with the city lights. It was a beautiful place to be again.

Grizz took Panda's paw and led him forward. They made it to the entrance of the open space. Gentle lights were strung over the customers and tables, which ace the whole place a gentle overhead glow. The benches, tables, and seats were all an emerald color, blending in well with the surrounding trees and cut bushes.

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