Chapter 26

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Grizz woke up with a brand new excitment. Looking at the clock, he saw it was just 7:00 AM. Even though, his heart was pounding in his chest.

I'm going to be a dad!, Grizz thought to himself. His mind whirled with thoughts of a child running around the front yard, taking him down the trail they saved, and tucking him in a night along with his little Pan-Pan. He had been waking up this way for the past week and each time it only made him even more excited.

He was snapped from his thoughts as Panda groaned a bit. Grizz tensed up, waiting to see if Panda was awake or not. He soon got his answer as Panda just rolled over, his eyes gently closed. The grizzly bear couldn't help but smile to himself as he watched his fuzzy mate smile in his sleep.

Slowly, Grizz slipped out of the bed. He knew that Panda needed as much sleep as possible. He noticed that Panda's body was going through many changes. 2 days ago, he had to run to the store because Panda was craving some ice. Grizz was beyond confused on how someone could just want ice on it's own. But sure enough when he returned, Panda sat on the couch for a 20 minutes chewing on ice cubes.

Creeping out of the room, he breathed a sigh of relief as he sat on the couch, just enjoying the comfort for a second.

"It's all going to be so great", Grizz smiled to himself. He reached for the remote. Turning on the TV and then immediately turning down the volume, Grizz searched for something to watch.

It was way too early for anything good, but he was determined to find something. It was now his personal mission. He stayed vigilant as he flipped through channel after channel. 49....50...52.. 54.....57..... Finally he chose something he found somewhat entertaining. It was some home refurbishing show. The man and woman on screen were bringing in new carpets of different colors. 

Shows like this always made Grizz think of getting an actual house. He was very happy in the cave; and was sure Panda was too. But with them starting a family now, maybe it was time to expand. Or maybe even just use the room they had. It was his old room since he and Panda just combined their rooms together. 

It would make a perfect room for the baby, Grizz thought to himself. 

His ears perked as he heard something behind him. He turned around to see Panda rubbing his eyes sleepily. 

"Hey, Pan-Man", Grizz chuckled. 

"Morning, Grizz", Panda yawned as he lay back down on the couch. 

"Awww, how's the preggo Panda?", Grizz asked. He shifted over to Panda and rubbed his slightly rounder stomach. 

"Feeling a little sore on my back", Panda admitted. He sighed as he propped a pillow behind his back. 

"Hmmm", Grizz didn't really know how to help him. 

"Don't worry about it, Grizz. Could you make me some oatmeal?", Panda asked. 

"Oh, sure", Grizz said, hopping up from the couch.

"Maybe I should call Dr. Mavis. This is so weird. I still can't actually believe I'm pregnant. Hehe, it's kinda funny. I always imagined that we'd get married first. We'd probably adopt a kid...But this is great, too...", Panda rambled on, but Grizz wasn't listening. He put the oatmeal in the microwave and thought about what Panda just said.

"I always thought we'd get married first.."

Married? Panda wanted us to get married?, Grizz thought to himself. Should I...? I mean... We are starting a family.... And it really wouldn't be complete...

The microwave beeped! Grizz turned around and quickly took out the bowl.

He walked to the living room and handed Panda the bowl of oatmeal and a spoon.

"Thanks, Grizz", Panda sighed as he began to eat.

Grizz went back to the kitchen and thought about it some more.

"I'm gonna be a father. I have to be responsible. Oh, geez. This is really happening", Grizz mumbled to himself. He took a deep breath and had one final thought.

I'm gonna be a husband and a father!

(Happy Valentine's Day!)

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