Chapter 25

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I woke up this morning feeling really great. Hmm, I don't know what was going on with me the past 2 days. I looked over to Grizz, who was still sprawled out next to me. I can't thank him enough for taking care of me like he did. It would only be fair to actually cook him some breakfast after everything I put him through.

I slowly climbed out of the bed, cringing a bit as the bed springs creaked from my body shifting off of them. Grizz was still sound asleep, so I guess it's okay.

Making my way to the kitchen, I searched around for things I could use. Searching through the freezer I found some bacon. Honesty, I don't really like handling meat and things like that, but I do for my Grizz.

Leaning down and checking the fridge, I found the eggs.

"It's kinda basic, but I'm sure he'll like it", I convinced myself.

Soon both the eggs and bacon was sizzling in the pan. I could agree with Grizz that I smelled pretty good, but my stomach still turned at the thought of eating it.

My ears twitched as I heard Grizz shuffle into the kitchen. I set the pan down and was about to say something. Before I could turn around I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Aww, Panda. You're alright", Grizz snuffed into my fur.

"Hehe, yeah", I blushed as he continued to inhale my fur. Did he really miss me that much? But, I've been here to whole time.

"Uh, I made you something to eat", I stuttered, gesturing to the cooked food on the skillets.

"Mmm, thanks. Really appreciate it, Pan-Pan", Grizz smiled at me as he fixed himself a plate. I decided to just start my day with some toast. Every part of me felt fine but my stomach. It felt weird.... Yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about plums. I haven't eaten a plum in I don't know how long, but it was like a weird craving.

I just shook my head and popped two slices of bread into the toaster. I watch in silence Grizz tore into his food. I could tell he missed my cooking. It's not anywhere as good as Ice's, but we've managed to get this far.

I jumped a bit as the toaster popped behind me. Quickly taking the toasted and taking slow bites I watched again as Grizz happily chomped into the bacon.

"Hehe, what are you smiling about?", Grizz asked me.

I didn't realize it, but I was smiling.

"I, uh. I was just thinking... Is that stuff really that good?", I asked referring to the bacon.

"Yeah, it is. You've never tried it have you?", Grizz asked me.

"Nope", I shrugged.

"Well, uh? Do you--?"


"Like, do you want to try some. Just a little bit", Grizz offered.

I had to admit that I was very curious what about meat hit such a soft spot with Grizz. I doubt that just one bite of bacon will make me just stop being a vegetarian, but I guess it's good to try things.

Grizz held a thin strip in his paw, slowly lifting it up to my muzzle. I could feel my chest pounding a bit faster as it got close. Slowly, I closed my eyes and took a bite. It felt weird on my tongue, a bit tough and have a distinct flavor that stuck to my tongue. I chewed thoroughly, making sure just to swallow it all and be done with this.

"So how was it?", Grizz asked me.

"Uh, it was... Interesting", I coughed a bit. "But I think I'll just stick to before"

"Well, at least you still tried", Grizz smiled at me.

"T-thanks", I honestly said, feeling my heart swell. He's supportive, even when I do little things. I must make things difficult for him at lot. I'm so awkward and nervous all the time.

"I can't even talk to you right", I mumbled alright.

"What was that, Pan?", Grizz asked, finishing his food.

"G-Grizz? Am I... Like annoying or anything like that sometimes?", I asked.

"Panda, no. I don't think you're annoying. What would make you think that?", Grizz chuckled, obviously not taking the question seriously. It's not that I can't blame him. That was really out of nowhere.

"It's just sometimes I struggle to... You know... Communicate with others... Even you... I don't know. It's like when I talk to people I just mess it all up", I sighed.

"Well, I think its cute. And it's the way you are. Don't sell yourself short, Panda. You may not realize it, but you can be really serious when you want to", Grizz chuckled, reaching across the table and holding his paw in mine.

"Thanks, Grizz", I smiled.

We stood there for a solid second before the phone rang between the both of us.

"Uh, hello?", Grizz answered. "Oh, Dr. Mavis. How did it go? Yeah, he's feeling way better today. Hmmm. Uh... Yes we have. Hehe.... Uh, once. I guess you could say it was recently", Grizz was most likely answering some last minute questions. He was blushing like crazy.

"Yep, and now he's fine. Oh... Um, okay. Alright, I'll hold on for a second", Grizz said.

"What was all that about?", I asked.

"It was Dr. Mavis. She asked about how you were feeling. Then she starting asking me all these back to back questions. She sounded kinda worried. I'm sure it's fine, though. I mean look at you now", Grizz winked at me.

I nodded, but a small pang of worry not squirmed in my stomach.

"Hold on, she back. Uh, yeah, I'm still here. Yeah. Yep. Hmmm.... What? I'm sorry can you repeat that? Really?! But he's--. Okay. Yeah, we will. I'll tell him but he might not believe it", Grizz sighed, before hanging up.

Now that small pang I was feeling is now a full alarm blaze. I'm not sure what's going on, but it seems pretty serious.

"Panda, I don't know any other way to say this.... The doc says you're.... pregnant", Grizz tells me.

"Wait, what?!", I blurt out. "That doesn't make any since. I'm a guy!"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking and said, but she went on about all these tests they ran to be double, triple sure and they say somehow you're pregnant", Grizz confirmed. "She said she wants to see us later in the week to do an ultrasound"

"Grizz... We're gonna be parents", I said without thinking. That feeling in my stomach I've been feeling. It made sense. I could always feel it, but couldn't place what it really was. A little bear, growing inside of me. Wow....

"Yeah, I guess we are", Grizz smiled, holding both my paws now.

"Heh, I don't know what we're going to from here on out, but I'm excited", I honestly said.

"Me too, Pan-Pan", Grizz smiled at me, before pulling me in for a kiss.

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