Chapter 13

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Panda woke up again, to find himself in Grizz's bed. He looked up to see Grizz still asleep. Panda just sighed and snuggled up close to him. Lately Panda would have frequent dreams that he was cuddling up with a giant teddy bear and now he could see why.

He held his breath as he felt Grizz stir a bit. Grizz groaned a bit, but went back​ to snoring. Panda sighed, as Grizz's snoring used to annoy him and keep him up at night. Now he had to admit, sometimes he couldn't sleep without hearing it.

A few hours later, after breakfast the 3 decided to just go to the mall and do whatever they felt like. Ice Bear wanted to get a new pair of sewing needles. Grizz and Panda were going to go window shopping.

They made their way down the mainstreet, crossed the cross walk, thanks to Ice Bear ignoring the obvious green light.

Unknown P.O.V.

I scrolled through my phone and saw that someone shared that photo of those two bears again! It made me sick. First they had the nerve to show their 'love' for each other show no shame whatsoever. And people actually... like them. I close the apo and look up and I can't believe what I'm seeing.

"I-It's them!", I yelled and pointed. Most people gave me looks like I was insane.

I made a mad dash for my car and floored it past the red light.

Regular P.O.V

Grizz, Panda and Ice Bear were walking across the street, almost to the other side. A blue SUV speeds into the intersection right towards them.

"Look out!", Grizz yelled.

Panda's POV

Everything went slow all I heard was the sickening crunch of metal and the screams if both Grizz and Ice Bear. I blacked out for a second. When I opened my eyes. I saw the blue SUV had crashed directly into a pole, smoking from under it's hood.

Then I felt it the sharp jolt of pain through my right arm. A crowd was forming around us three. I looked for Grizz and I quickly spotted him. He was clutching is left arm. I couldn't see Ice Bear anywhere.

Grizz was pushing through people and car debris looking for him. I staggered to my feet and ran beside Grizz and I saw him.

Ice Bear's ice white fur was stained red and tar black. His bone was sticking out of his right leg, his fur from his left arm and some of his back was gone leaving a sicking red, oozing substance and he was barley breathing.

"Help!!", Grizz shouted to the crowd. "Please someone.... anyone... ", he dropped to his knees and broke into tears.

Everything around me felt unreal. It felt like this was a dream, but the screams the pain, and Grizz's screams were real. The sound of sirens snapped me out of my daze. I used left arm to wave to the ambulance.

They took Ice Bear and rushed him in first. He was sped towards the nearest hospital. Next,was us. He were put in the back of an ambulance together.

"Grizz, is Ice gonna - -"

"I don't know", Grizz just said blankly.

I could tell by the look on his face that he was completely numb to everything around him the pain, the sirens, the paramedics... and me.

I was so scared I couldn't stop shaking, it was then I realized I was crying. Nothing made sense to me anymore. Why. Why?

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