Chapter 33

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Panda looked around finding himself back on that snow and ice covered forest from his a while ago.

"Aw, man. I must be dreaming. This is where I found Ice Bear. But, if this is a dream is none of this real?", Panda tested his theory by leaning down and pressing his paw into the snow. He immediately reeled back, hissing in pain. The snow was at a temperature so low it hurt to touch with is paw. He had no idea how he feet were managing to stay alright.

"Okay, so dream world, but pain is real", Panda told himself.

A sudden harsh wind pierced his fur. The whole environment seemed to be much harsher this time around. The gentle trees that seemed to change season were now all white, covered in snow and thick icicles.

"I guess that means that Ice Bear wants to talk to me again", Panda thought aloud. He figured that as long his feet were alright he'll just keep moving forward.

Taking his first step forward, the snow underneath him shifted. In surprising, Panda tripped and fell backwards. His whole body instantly felt frozen and in pain. Panda's immediate reflex was too make sure his cub was still alright. He placed a paw on his stomach and felt truly frozen.

His stomach wasn't the right shape. It was flatter, like before he got pregnant.

"Okay, Ice! I don't know what's going on. But if you're trying to tell me something, I don't get it! Why are you doing this?! Just come talk to me!", Panda yelled out to the trees above him.

The wind picked up, curling around him. Panda braced himself for another wave of freezing cold. Instead a gentle, warm breeze curled around him. He couldn't help but smile as the snow surrounding his feet instantly melted away, small flowers instantly sprouting out of the ground. 

But instead a gentle, warm wind wrapped around him. Instantly Panda felt more at ease , a small smile on his muzzle as the snow beneath his feet quickly melted away, being replaced with small, colorful flowers.

"Um, okay. That was fast. Guess you must have heard me, huh?", Panda asked, looking around for any signs of his little brother. All he could see what that the snow was melting from the trees revealing multi-colored leaves just like last time.

Alright, last time I just kept going forward. So that's just what I'll do, Panda thought to himself and nodded in determination.

Following the same path that led him to Ice Bear last time he noticed the treetops above him started out pink and white, sprouting newly fresh blossoms and flowers. The air itself a sweet aroma in the air, a light sweet fruit-like scent. Light pink and white petals fluttered down the soft, light dew covered grass. Panda smiled to himself, his worries instantly melted away. He felt his very being radiating with a calming presence.

"He's close", Panda sighed out loud. He stopped for just one second, he could feel that the next step would be crossing some kind of threshold. Taking a deep breath Oanda took that small step forward. Immediately the air around him felt hotter, the treetops a thick full dark green. As he continued forward his ears twitched, a trickling stream was heard nearby but also out of sight. This area now filled him with a sense of sudden determination. He felt like he could do anything. But all Panda was really focused on was finding his little brother. A gentle wind swayed the leaves above making another peaceful wave of determination pulse through him. Without even realizing it at first, Panda was already in a full blown run. He stopped dead of the other threshold.

Taking one final deep breath, Panda took another step forward. The trees turned orange and red. A cool breeze picked up much stronger than the first to. Flat, bright leaves gently fluttered down to Panda, one even touching his nose.

Panda looked around, his heart skipped a beat as he spotted something white against all the fall colors.

"Ice!", Panda called as he raced forward. As he got closer he was definitely sure it was his younger sibling.

Panda walked up to Ice Bear. He was sitting down in a pile of orange and yellow leaves, eyes closed, in a state of meditation.

"Uh, hey Ice. Did you wanna tell me something?", Panda asked, trying to get the polar bear's attention.

Ice Bear's ear twitched. He opened his eye, looking up at his older brother.

"Panda. Ice Bear glad to see you", Ice Bear said as he stood up in front of Panda.

"Well, what did you want to talk about?", Panda asked, looking over Ice Bear's shoulder. Apparently Ice Bear was meditating on the edge of a cliff covered in fall leaves, a blazing beautiful orange sunset in the distance.

"Ice Bear is worried about Panda. Ice Bear knows about cub. Is Panda sure about this?", Ice Bear asked, a quick flash of concern on his face.

"What? Of course I'm sure!", Panda said, not sure what Ice Bear was talking about. "We're gonna have a cub you're going to be an uncle. I mean yeah, you're up here....But I know you'll watch over him to", Panda nodded.

"Yes. Ice Bear will be there for cub. Ice Bear is excited for cub too, worried about what will happen to Panda", Ice Bear admitted

"I know. But this is a risk I am going to take. Look, Ice Bear. I don't know what'll happen but I know that Grizz and I will bring a new cub into the world", Panda sighed, laying down on the pile of leaves, looking up at the orange colored sky.

Ice Bear silently got down beside his brother.

"Hey Ice. If this is the afterlife, how come there are like clouds and stuff?",Panda asked.

"This place is a separate plain that Ice Bear uses to talk to you. Ice Bear is not exactly sure how it works, but every time Ice bear wants to talk to Panda or Grizz Ice Bear ends up here. Ice Bear calls this place Treechange", Ice Bear explained.

"Heh. That's a pretty good name. But wait--you talk to Grizz too?", Panda gasped.

"Only once. Ice Bear met with Grizz and said not to worry about Ice Bear anymore. But Ice Bear knows Panda still needs help from Ice Bear", Ice Bear sat up and put his paw over Panda's.

"Look, Ice Bear. The doctors say it should happen soon. I'll admit I'm not exactly sure about all this, but I love Grizz and I love the cub we're about to have. Just promise me you'll watch over us", Panda smiled softly to his brother.

"Ice Bear always will watch over his brothers. And their cub", Ice Bear smiled, too. "Ice Bear has to go. Good luck, Panda"

With that Panda felt like he was floating through the air, his vision getting blurrier and blurrier.

He woke up in his bed alongside Grizz, a beam of light gently filtering down on him.

"Heh. Thanks, Ice", Panda said out loud.

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