Chapter 22

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Warning this chapter is purely NSFW read at your own risk 

Grizz woke with a beam of light shinning directly in his eyes.  He slowly pulled the blankets over his head, trying to block out as much as he could. He remembered how last week Panda woke up in the middle of the night. When Grizz asked him what was wrong, Panda just simply put it off as a weird dream.  After that Grizz found himself losing sleep more often. Groaning, he figured that he couldn't get himself back to sleep. Rolling over, he expected to see Panda but the space was completely empty. 

"Pan-Pan?", Grizz asked, hoping for an answer back. 

No answer back. Grizz hopped out of bed, jumping a bit as some empty soda cans clanked against his footpaws. Ever since they both combined their rooms together, it became obvious which side Grizz slept on as that side had empty soda cans, snack wrappers and assorted empty plastics. Shrugging it off, Grizz just kicked the cans out the way.

"Eh, I'll pick em up later", Grizz shrugged, brushing junk out of his path. 

Grizz shuffled out of the bedroom and made his way towrds the kitchen. 

"Hey, Panda? Pan-Man?", Grizz called from the hallway. 

"I'm in here, Grizz", Panda responded from the kitchen.

Grizz walked in, sniffing the air.  The scent of eggs and bacon filled the air. 

"Aww, Pan. You don't have to cook stuff like that for me", Grizz offered. He always felt awkward when Panda cooked meat for him. 

"No, really. Grizz, it's okay. I don't mind it as much", Panda chuckled awkwardly. Grizz couldn't help but notice he was not looking directly at the meat as it sizzled in the pans. "Uh, it'll be ready in a moment"

"Thanks, Pan", Grizz planted a kiss on Panda's cheek.

"Uh, i-it's no problem", Panda chuckled a bit. 

A few minutes later, Grizz stuffed his face with bacon and eggs. They tasted amazing to him, despite Panda's awkward cooking style. Panda hanged back, wiping the counter. He turned around looking towards Grizz, but he seemed a bit distracted. It didn't take long for Grizz to finish his plate. 

'Uh, I'm gonna go take a nap", Panda stretched, speed walking back to the bedroom. 

"Uh, alright", Grizz said, setting his plate in the sink.  Panda definitely  is acting weird today.

"It would be best of he took that nap", Grizz figured aloud as he ran some water, preparing to wash the dishes. His mind began to wander as he got into a motion of moving dishes from the sink to the counter.

 Hmmm, Panda has been acting a bit strange lately. Maybe it would be better if he got some rest.

Grizz drained the water, dried them off and set them in the cupboards. It was all done in no time. But, Grizz now had a new problem: now he had no idea what to do. There was a whole day left and he couldn't think of a single thing. 

"Guess, TV is the best place to start", Grizz shrugged as he plopped down on the couch. The next five minutes was spent cycling through channel after channel. 

"No, nope, naw, nope", Grizz groaned as he flipped to each channel. It felt almost hopeless. He didn't realize that without Panda on the couch with him, shows didn't look as appealing as before. 

What should I do now? 

The more he thought about it, he found himself chuckling about the situation he was in.

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