Chapter 35

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Grizz paced back and forth inside the operating room. This was the moment he and Panda were waiting for. They were soon going to be parents. All kinds of thoughts were racing through his head. But a pained groan from Panda snapped him to reality and gave him the instinct to comfort his mate through this time. Making his way around doctors who were all making sure things went well during this unusual pregnancy. Grizz rushed up and clutched Panda's paw. His grip was tight as he was breathing heavily.

"It's okay, Panda. I'm here. Just take deep breaths. The doctors are gonna figure this out. We're all gonna be fine", Grizz murred in Panda's ear.

Panda looked Grizz in the eyes and nodded, a feeling of calm washing over him despite the intense throbbing.

"Alright, it seems that the cub cannot be delivered through....usual means. We will have to perform a C-section", One of the doctors spoke up surprising the both of them. "It'll be a bit different from usual. We'll start by cutting off major blood vessels. I'm sure you know that we'll move the bladder and intestines aside to get to the cub. We'll be giving you a numbing anesthesia. Don't worry about a thing"

Grizz nodded in response. Immediately the doctors sprang into action. A female with red tied back hair made her way to the other side of the bed, setting up the IV bag. When the liquid solution was ready, she drew the long tubing with the needle at the end.

"I'm going to insert the IV. Could you hold still of me? This might pinch a bit", she spoke in gentle tone. Panda nodded, still taking deep breaths. She drew the needle, tapping to make sure the air was out and lined up with the proper position in his arm. Panda braced himself. He always felt that being pricked with needles were the worst part of being at the doctor's. As she put the needle in Panda tensed and let out an audible wince. Despite the IV being useful to Panda, Grizz felt the primal urge to growl at the one who cause his mate even slight pain.

He fought against those instincts, reminding himself that they are just here to help and the pain is necessary. 

Grizz looked his mate over as his grip was already getting weaker. He looked into Panda's eyes. He seemed calmer.

"H-how do you feel, Pan-Pan?", Grizz asked gently.

"I feel weird. It doesn't hurt as much", Panda asked in slightly groggy tone. Panda himself was aware of the Iv and it's effects, but it still felt strange for the intense pain to suddenly dull down dramatically.

"Well it seems that it's taking effect. We can soon begin the procedure", the female nurse stated. On the end of the hospital bed the other 2 doctors were setting up the small table to set up the tools and equipment needed for the surgery.

As they were sorting them, a blow of concern struck Grizz as he saw thing like scalpels, tools with hooks on the end and was he assumed was the needle and threading for stitching when this was all set and done.

"Alright. We are going to start the operation soon. I'm sure you heard of the risks before. As we know you are male, so this will be a bit more difficult to perform", the doctor informed.

Panda seemed to be a little bit out of it, so Grizz nodded as he listened carefully to what the doctor said.

Grizz felt his heart start to beat much faster. This was it! Their cub was on the way! They're going to be a family!

"Alright, Panda. You think you're ready for this?", Grizz asked, gently squeezing his mates paw. Panda looked up him, smiling just a bit, and nodded.

"Alright, he's ready", Grizz said with determination in his voice. 

"Right. We'll get started soon as we're ready", the doctor informed. 

"Grizz. Can you believe it?", Grizz was stunned for a second to look down at Panda talking, albeit with a tired sounding tone. 

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