Chapter 28

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Panda woke up early in the morning feeling dizzly and nauseated. Crawling out of bed, he felt around the walls. Without his contacts he couldn't see exactly where he was. Luckliy, he found what he was looking for. Clutching the doorknob, he opened the bathroom door. He could barley hold back before he held on to the toilet bowl. His stomach clenched as he retched into the toilet. Panda didn't know what to do as this time he's every vomited while pregnant. He didn't know what it meant. The pang of fear he felt was completely drowned out by the wave of nausea he felt again.

All he could do was clutched the sides as another surge went up his throat. The acids scalded his throat and tongue as the bulk of the vomit shot into the bowl. It ended quickly, but left Panda feeling very lightheaded and disgusted, some of it still trailing from his lips, viscous and opauge. He had no choice but to clench his teeth and spit the rest in, making him shudder.

Slowly, he got up to his footpaws and turned the fosset. His throat still burned as he took a sip swished it around. He spit it out and took another sip, this time swallowing, soothing his insides. Groaning, he opened the cabinet and reached for his contacts. Putting them in one at a time, he took a look at himself in the mirror. He looked awful. His fur was roughed and messy. He slowly pushed the bathroom door open. Grizz was sitting up in the bed.

"Are you alright?", Grizz asked, he got up and helped Panda into the bed. 

"I think so.... Just a little morning sickness", Panda smiled, despite the terrible taste still left in his mouth. He ran his paws gently over his stomach, which felt like it had been flipped and twisted.

Grizz sat down beside him and gently rubbed Panda's stomach. He couldn't help but smile at how Panda's stomach was starting to get an outward pudge. His ears twitched as, Panda sighed, already starting to feel better.

"Thanks, Grizz", Panda smiled. "Sorry, I woke you up"

"I don't care about that", Grizz muttered. "I was really really worried about you in there. When I was about to run in, you already had come out"

Suddenly Pqnda started laughing to himself. "So this is what being pregnant is like. The shows always made it seem like it isn't such a big deal. But it's weird. It's cool to be parent and have something like....this. But its hard. I ache, and hurt, and now I'm throwing up", Panda chuckled.

"It'll be all worth it", Grizz promised as he kissed Panda's forehead.

"Thanks, Grizz", Panda smiled.

For the rest of the morning Grizz sat beside Panda, fussing over him and making sure he felt comfortable.

Panda was still a little bit nauseated and a bit scared but he was also ecstatic that Grizz was still by his side.

🐼🐻Hopeless Romantic (A Grizz x Panda)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ