Chapter 2

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Rosie POV
I don't know when it happened. I can't remember when they started to hurt me but I know it was when I was younger. My parents use to love me until they started to fight with each other. I'm currently walking home from the grocery store because I saved up my tip money for a stuffie! I have a job at a local diner but my parents take my money for alcohol and drugs. I graduated from high school a couple months ago and didn't want to go to college.

I volunteer at a local animal shelter to help give them the love they need. I live in a small house in England but I want to travel the world and hopefully find a daddy. I realized that I was thinking way to much and should be focusing on getting home safe. I continue to walk with my stuffie in my hand and headphones blasting one direction music. I get home and hear the sound of screaming and banging so I sneak upstairs to my room without being caught. I get undressed, throw on my onesie, grab my new stuffed animal unicorn and lay in bed. My stuffie is a pink unicorn that I think I will name pink sparkles!!

Harry POV
I make my way off my jet and into my car. I'm finally home in England away from all the craziness of the band. I have a feeling that somethings going to happen that will change my life...hopefully for the better. While I'm driving home I pass a girl who is carrying a stuffed animal, I will say it looked adorable. I wonder if she's a little...stop it harry there's never real littles that actually like feeling small. I get home and set my bag down, it feels good to be home with peace and quiet.

Authors note:
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