Chapter 36

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(Song that Rose sings is attached!)
Harry is cursive when talking
Rose is bold and cursive when talking
Louis is bold when talking
Harry POV
Hearing her story made my heart ache. I can't believe such a wonderful girl went through so much shit. I watch her sleep peacefully next to me looking like an angel. It's about 8 am in the morning so I want her to sleep in while I make her breakfast. I slip out of the bed then wash up before going downstairs. I grab my phone and call Louis waiting for him to pick up.

"Hey what's up Haz? It's early for you to be up."

"Hey I need you too do something for me. Do you still have contact with that FBI agent?"

"Yeah why? What do you need him to find?"

"Rosie told me everything about her past. Two men hurt her really bad and I want all the information on them."

"Do you know their names? Anything about them."

"Umm I know one name is Brian and I know the dad will be under Rosie's last name. You can probably find him from her birth certificate. I also have both of their numbers I got from Rosie's phone before I destroyed it she just doesn't know."

"Okay send them to me and I'll get Jake to research. What did they do if you won't mind me asking."

I know Rosie probably wants to tell him herself but I need this information and I know I can trust Lou. "Brian was her boyfriend who raped and abused her. Her dad was the one who abused her and put her into the hospital." I hear him growl and mutter oh hell no.

"We are going to get these fuckers. Don't worry Jake will get everything and I'll come over with the files once he's done."

"Thanks Bro it means a lot. I just don't want Rosie to ever get hurt again."

With that we say goodbye and hang up. I pull out ingredients so I can make my princess heart pancakes. The next 30 minutes is me making the pancakes and setting them up neatly on her princess plate. I finish everything and clean my mess before I bring them up to her. "Good morning princess. It's time to wake up daddy has food for you." She mumbles something before rolling over. "Come on baby wake up for daddy." She finally listens and looks at me.

Her hair is all over the place and she's wearing a cute pout on her face. "Morning dada." I brush her hair out of her face and set her food on her lap. "Hi princess. I made you food so eat up." I watch her face light up at the word food then she takes a bite out of her pancakes. "Mhmm daddy tastes so good." I feel myself get excited at her little moan but I push back the feeling not wanting to scare her.

"Good baby what do you want to do today."
She thinks about it for a minute before smiling. "Inside day dada. I wanna enjoy our house together." Our house...I have a girlfriend that lives with me. My home is her home...I feel happiness spread through my body. "Our house? You feel that safe with me now?" She tries to hold back her huge smile but fails. "You always made me feel safe even from the beginning. Yes our house...this is my home and I'm so lucky I got you with it." I kiss her forehead and take a bite of her pancakes she offered.

We finish breakfast then I get her dressed into a cute little dinosaur dress. "Daddy can we go into the music room I want to show you something." I hope she sings me something because I really want to hear her beautiful voice sing. "Of course baby lets go." I carry her to the music room and set her down on the piano bench. "I made this song for you...I hope you like it. I've been working on it since I met you so yeah." (She wrote the song and added the piano part last night when he went to shower last night)

She starts playing the piano creating beautiful notes then her voice fills the air. "Breath deep, breath clear know that I'm here, know that I'm here waitin." Her voice sound so amazing. She could be a professional singer if she wanted too. She continues with her song completely capturing me in a trance. By the end of the song I have a few tears shedding. "W-was it that bad?" I let at a laugh and shake my head. "No baby it was amazing. Is that about me? I love it so much and your voice is amazing."

She blushes red and bites her lip before nodding her head. "Yes daddy it was about you. Thank you...I use to sing but I had to stop." I just got the best idea. What if I do a duet with Rose to start her career then she could be a singer as a job. "Will you sing a duet with me? It can start your career as a singer baby." She thinks about it seeming conflicted. "Your fans will think I'm using you...I want to do it on my own for now but once I get started we can. I love you but I want to prove I can sing."

Part of me wants to help her start a career but I can't blame her for wanting to do it by herself. I just wish she didn't have to worry about my fans opinions. "Okay baby we can do that." She smiles and gives me a hug. I pull away from her and kiss her lightly. She pulls away with lustful eyes. "Daddy?" Oh god I can already tell she's up to something. "Yes kitten?"

"Let me make you feel good."

Authors notes:
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