Chapter 19

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Anne is bold when talking
Harry is cursive when talking
Rose is bold and cursive when talking
Charlie is underlined when talking
Rose POV
Blackness that's all I see. I hear everything around me but I can't open my eyes. Everyday I hear Harry waiting for me to wake up. He talks to me probably not know I can hear him. I know Charlie checks up on me everyday multiple times. Today I feel different than I normally do...I want to wake up.

"Rosie it's been a little over three weeks...I need you. I miss you so much princess. I don't know how long I can do this for...I just want you in my arms." Don't give up on me Harry please don't. I hear his chair scoot back and footsteps leaving me. Please don't go! I can't lose him like this! I use everything in my power to move but all I get is a twitch in my hand. Please see me move. I still hear his footsteps leaving so I try to speak.

"D-dad-da." Yes!!! It freaking worked!!! I hear a him gasp and a small squeak that sounds like a shoe stopping. "Rose? Rose are you up!?" I want to answer but I'm so tired already. "I must be losing my mind of course she's not up." No daddy I'm here!! "I need some air maybe that's it." I can tell he's about to leave...come on Rose you can do this! I use all my strength and manage to blink my eyes open. Why the fuck is it so bright!! My eyes adjust to the light and I'm finally able to see.

I look down and see wires attached to me making me scared. Why are there so many!? I finally look and find harry who had his hand on the door about to leave. "I love you Harry Styles." I watch him freeze and whip his head around to look at me. "ROSIE!! OH MY GOD YOU WOKE UP! I've been waiting for you." He rushes over to me pulling me into a hug. I hug him back afraid to let go. I guess he forgot I said I love you...what if he just doesn't love me.

Maybe he just likes me and doesn't love me yet. I know it's so soon but this whole time I knew I loved him so I just needed to say it. I start crying into his shoulder feeling relieved that I'm up now. "I'm sorry! I tried to fight her but she was so strong! Please don't be mad I tried." I sob into his shoulder feeling like I failed him. He pulls away, looks me in the eyes with his hands resting on my cheeks. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You faught for your life and came back to me. What happened wasn't your fault at all princess....I love you too."

He loves me...harry styles loves me!! I lean in kissing his lips for the first time in weeks. My heart beats like crazy as sparks fly. We pull away from each other just taking each other's presence in. "How is Anne? Is Charlie okay? When can I get out?" I ask him quickly hoping everyone is okay and safe. "Both of them are perfectly fine just worried about you. I need to get Charlie baby, I'll be right back." "No! Please don't leave me! What if that girl comes back!" I hold onto him so he doesn't leave. "Baby don't worry I'll stay. The girl isn't ever going to hurt you again because she's in jail. I'll just press the call button so they can come."

I nod my head slowly feeling better about the lady being in jail. Harry presses the button waiting for a nurse to come until Charlie comes running in quickly. "Is she okay!?" I giggle at him looking funny because he looks like a chicken with their head cut off. "Omg Rosie you're up!! Thank god this idiot here wouldn't stop worrying about you. How are you feeling? Any head pain? I missed my best friend!"

He comes up to me kissing my cheeks repeatedly causing me to have a giggle fit. "I'm okay! I feel when am I able to get out! My head doesn't hurt at all but my body is still a little sore." I hope I can leave because this place is depressing! "You're able to leave today once we get all your vitals checked. Your body is still healing but when you were in a coma you healed a lot more. You just have to be a little careful other then that you're okay. Yes I get to leave!! "Okay! I'm so glad I'm better I missed you both so much!"

After that we get all my vitals checked and I go to the bathroom to freshen up and change clothes. I brush my teeth and try to pick out my outfit. Should I wear my jeans and shirt or skirt and shirt? I pick out my black skinny jeans along with my white shirt.

I walk out of the bathroom all ready to go

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I walk out of the bathroom all ready to go. "Hey am I staying with you or Charlie?" I ask Harry wondering if he still wanted me to go with him. "You're staying with me baby! There's a surprise for you when we get there but first we can stop at Chick-fil-A and get you a meal." I smile big and jump in his arms. I miss my daddy but I feel like I should be a big girl for him. I hear him chuckle while he holds me in his arms.

"You're a silly little girl aren't you!" Nooooo I'm a big girl!! I'm feeling really little though UGH! "I'm a big girl!" He sets me down and pats my head. "Let's go kitten I know you don't want to be here any longer." With that we walk down the halls of the hospital ready to escape this horrible place. We head out the main entrance only to get flashes going off in our faces. I whimper out scared of everyone surrounding me. I knew this was going to happen but not so soon. I feel harry grip my hand tighter so we wouldn't lose each other.

HARRY WHO IS THIS? WHY WERE YOU IN THE HOSPITAL! IS THIS ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR GIRLS? YOU COULD DO BETTER HARRY SHES UGLY! I feel tears build up in my eyes hearing all these things getting shouted at us while we are trying to leave. I keep my head down so I can see better until harry stops right in front of me causing me to run into his back. I look at him wondering why he stopped but then I see him looking angry. Oh no what's wrong.

"SHE IS NOT UGLY!! SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL EVER SO DON'T YOU DARE INSULT HER." He screams at the paparazzi causing them to snap more pictures. This is what they want! To get him angry! I grab his shoulder and lean up so I can whisper into his ear. "Daddy this is what they want! Don't let them win and make you look bad. Come on let's go home." Okay so I might've used the name daddy to my advantage but he doesn't need to know that! He sighs and starts walking again pulling me along.

The paparazzi follows us snapping pictures. I follow along trying to get to the car until someone pushes me from behind causing me to fall straight on my face. "WHAT THE FUCK! SHE JUST GOT OUT THE HOSPITAL AND YOU CAUSE HER TO FALL!" I see harry scream at the man who apparently pushed me. I cry out feeling my face sting along with my hands. I look down seeing my hands bleeding then touch my face wiping away the blood that's dripping. Harry is looking like he's about to punch the guy so I grab his hand. He looks at me shocked and sad then helps me up from the floor.

"I'm so sorry baby I should've had a car set up and security. I swear I'll make that guy pay for what he did." "No it's okay let's just go. Can you carry me please?" He picks me up and carries me to the car sitting me down in the front seat then buckling me up. He runs to his side hopping in leaving the paparazzi behind. "My face hurts daddy.."

He looks at me with guilt in his eyes then looks back at the road. "I'm sorry baby I'm taking you straight home instead of stopping. Daddy will get you cleaned up and give you bandaids." I don't want him to feel bad because it's not his fault. "I love you daddy."  "I love you too angel"

Authors notes:
This was a hard chapter because I didn't know what to write. I hope you liked it. Answer the readers questions and vote❤️

Readers notes:
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