Chapter 4

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Harry POV
I was going on my evening walk like I normality. I usually walk in the meadows by my house but today I decided on a city walk. The city is right near my house so it was only about a 5 minute walk to get into the city night life. I'm walking past my favorite little cafe until I see the girl that was carrying the stuffed animal from earlier today. I watch as she runs carrying a bag of things.

Maybe I should see if she's ok? I can't do that she will freak out and scream my name then everyone will come chasing after me!. I take a closer look and see that she's bleeding omg she looks like she got beaten up! I notice she stopped running so I decide to take the risk and go up to her. I walk towards her until I start to realize she is looking slightly dazed so I start to run to her. "Hey are you ok!?!!"

Right when I say that she falls to the ground. I run to her and grab her from the ground. "Hey sweetie wake up" I try waking her up but she's not answering back. Ok think smart harry what should I do. I look at her face and gosh she's so beautiful even with blood and bruising all over it. I take out my phone and call the one person I could think mom! "Hello?"

"MOM hey it's Harry this girl she fell on the ground she was running and she's bleeding mom I don't know what to do what do I do!??! She's all bruised and won't wake up I don't know what happened I just saw her fall."

"Harry calm down alright! Check her pulse see if she's breathing ok." I reach down and press my fingers to her neck. I wait to see if I can feel anything...I start to panic thinking she was gone until I feel a light thud against my finger. "MOM I feel it she's alive! It's light but it's there what do I do?!?"

"Harry I need you to check her body to see if she has anything wrong with her. There has to be a reason why she passed out. "

"Ok mom I will." I lift up her shirt to see if there's any marks and I'm in shock. "Mom it's bad oh god mom it's so bad I can't even look." "Harry don't cry she will be ok. What do you see I need to know what we are dealing with." I didn't even realize I was crying until my mom told me. I quickly wipe away my tears and look back down at the poor girl. "Mo-mom there's bruising ever everywhere and there's a hu huge red and dark bruise on her side."

"Ok ok is it where her rib area is? Can you feel her side and see if there's any bumps?"

"Yes it's her rib area hold on." I trace my fingers on her ribs and feel bumps. I don't know what happened to her but I will find out who did this to her. "Mom there's bumps along her ribs what does that mean!!?!"

"Ok sweetie you need to get her to the hospital right now. She probably has broken ribs and if it punctured her lungs she can die from it. Where are you I'm in the car."

"I'm by the cafe near my house. She passed out near the alleyway that the homeless usually sleeps in. No one is around since it's late and I can't call for help because of who I am. What if she dies and I can't do anything about it mom I I saw her earlier today she's so beautiful. Please help mommy I need to save her!!" By this point I'm sobbing because I know this poor girl could die. For some reason I just know I'm suppose to save her.

"I'm on my way don't worry I'll be there in 3 minutes just calm down. We will get her to a hospital in no time just try not to attract attention."

"Ok mom please hurry but be safe I love you." I hold this poor girl in my arm waiting for my mom. I know this girl is something special and I will protect her. I don't know if she's a little but even if she's not I will keep her safe.

Authors note:
Sorry I didn't update sooner I've just been busy!
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