Chapter 40

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Harry is italics when talking
Louis is bold when talking
Jason is normal when talking
Mr. Grace aka Robert is underlined
Brian is bold and underlined
Charlie is cursive when talking
Harry's POV
We drive to the woods then get out and walk to our old tree house. Once we see the tree house I whistle the signal letting Jason know it's okay to come out. I watch him come out from behind a tree a a bright smile. "Harry my man! How have you been!?" We pull each other into a tight hug before letting go. He pulls Lou into a hug and ruffles his hair. "I'm great bro. I met this girl...this beautiful girl that I'm extremely in love with but people ended up hurting her so that's why I called you. I want to hurt them like they hurt her."

He lets a wicked smile take over his face. "Well you came to the right person. Hold up did you just stay love?" Louis lets out a laugh and slaps his knee. "Hahaha see I'm not the only person who was shocked! I'm not gonna lie though Jason, his girlfriend is the total package and more. She's absolutely beautiful inside and out." Jason looks at Lou surprised. "Well I need to meet this girl! If she's so wonderful then I have to know her. Now Louis explained a little bit on the phone about what happened to her but I wanna know everything."

"Brian her ex boyfriend was abusive to her. He raped her and treated her like she wasn't human. Mr. Grace abused Rosie for a long time and is the reason why she was in the hospital the night I found her. He killed her little brother a few years ago. Mrs. Grace let all this happened but eventually joined in. She molested her daughter and laughed about it. They whipped, paddled, caned and just beat the shit out of her. They called her names which is why she is insecure sometimes." The more I explain the darker his eyes get.

"Well it looks like we have a lot to do then." I feel excitement boil in me knowing I'll be able to make her family suffer. "Yeah Lou you have the address? Want us to meet you there or all just go in one car" Why does it feel like something bad is gonna happen. "Yeah I have it. Let's just all go in one car. Get one of your boys to meet us there with your car." Jason agrees so we all get into the car and drive to her old house. It doesn't take long to get there, only about 10 minutes.

We pull up into the driveway seeing the lights on. Hmm they must be up...good. From the outside it looks like a beautiful family's such a shame that such tragic events happened in such a beautiful house. We get out quickly and knock on the door. I hide on the side so they don't see me. I hear movement come towards us then her disgusting father opens the door. "How can I help you young men?" I feel pure hatred bubble up inside me at his nice greeting.

"Is Rose Grace here? We are from her work and was wondering if she's coming back?" Good cover Lou! "No I'm sorry boys. She ran away all of a sudden. Her mother and I have been looking everywhere for her. We are worried sick so if you have any information that could help us it would be much appreciated." She ran away because you beat her! Jason steps forward and slams him into the floor making the door fly open. Lou and I enter the house quickly. Lou closes the door while I grab Mrs.Grace off from the couch with her hair in between my fingers.

"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU CARE ABOUT ROSE WHEN YOU ABUSED HER! YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHO I AM SINCE YOU FUCKERS WIRED MY HOUSE. HOW DARE YOU HURT MY BABY!" This little bitch I'm holding whimpers out for her husbands help making me clinch onto her hair harder. "What do you want from us!? Leave my wife alone." Jason looks at him evilly and smirks. "We want you guys to feel the pain you gave to your daughter. Now you will listen to me and call Mr.Brian and tell him to come over. If you don't then I will shot your wife right in the fucking skull."

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