Chapter 45

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Charlie is normal when talking
Rosie is italics and bold when talking
Harry is italics when talking
Louis is underlined when talking
Jake is bold when talking
Harry's POV
"Daddy is going on tour." I watch her face go from happy too sad. "Oh okay well I'm happy for you. Um I'll talk to Charlie and see if I can stay with him. When do you leave?" Wait does she think I'm leaving without her? Okay maybe I did word that wrong. "No baby I want you to come with me." 

She looks at me confused before tilting her head. "Daddy I'm confused...I have to be here with Charlie to start my treatment." I didn't forget about her treatment but I did forget to ask Charlie something. "You're you know where Charlie is? I need to talk to him." She nods her head yes and pulls me through the halls to his office. He looks up at us and raises his eyebrows.

"Hey Charlie I wanted to talk to you."

"Okay what's up?"

"So Rosie has to be here for chemo right? She can't go on tour with me if she has treatment."
He looks at me with a mixture of confusion and anger? Why is he angry? "You're really leaving her for tour!? Dude you're a fucking asshole. Rose you're staying with me." Wait what!? "Wait why would she stay with you? I'm just asking a simple question." He rolls his eyes at me. "Of course she can't go with you! She needs to be with me so I can give her treatment so she doesn't die if you forgot." Okay I knew that fucking hell. Why is everyone so upset.

"Okay so this is what I want to do. I was going to cancel my tour but then I realized I wanted to take Rose around the world with me. Charlie I want you to come. I'll pay you to be her private doctor. I'll pay for all the expenses the whole time for you." I'm not stupid I know it's going to be a lot of money but I'll do anything for Rosie, plus I have to money for it and it won't even dent my pocket.

They both looked at me surprised. "Wait you want to pay me to go on tour with you and treat Rosie?" I nod my head yes like it's obvious. "Why me? There's probably better doctors out there that would go with you guys." That's where he's wrong there's no one better than him. I did research and his resume is amazing.

"No Charlie you're the best. You have so much experience and there's one thing that other doctors won't have that you have...the love for Rose. I know you guys are close so I know you won't ever give up on her. I also trust you with her and I actually kinda want you to come anyways..." Okay so maybe I like Charlie but it's hard to admit it! I mean I hated him at first but now he's just grown on me.

"Fine...I'll go with you BUT I can pay for food and stuff. Also don't pay me too much because your my friend and I don't want your money." Rose is smiling at both of us like we just won the lotto. "My best friend and Daddy are besties!!! Eeekkkee you guys are so cute with your man code emotions." Wait man code emotions? Wtf is that. She's too cute.

"Okay I won't pay you too much." Stop lying Harry. "Rosie man code emotions!? Really?" She lets out her cute giggle which makes me watch her in awe. How did I get so lucky? "You men never say what you really mean to each other. You guys are just a bunch of wusses." I was about to reply but my phone starts to ring. I look at my phone and see Jakes name flash across the screen. I pick it up and hold it to my ear.

"Hey Harry...can you come over to the station for me. Bring Rose." Why would he need her now? "Yeah man we'll come soon. What station?" Do I really want to take her to a station? "The FBI station. They aren't going to a regular police station. When you get here tell them at the gate the word *pineapples* and they will let you in. Oh and Harry...prepare for crying. Rosie is going to have to face her parents." Fuck my life can't she get a break. 

"Okay I'll make sure to tell her...thanks Jake for everything." We hang up and I finally realize Charlie and Rosie is staring at me. "Was that Jake daddy?" I guess I have to tell her now since we need to leave soon. "Yeah princess...He wants us to come down to the station. He said that you will see your parents...if you don't want to then I'll make sure you won't but I think it's important." I watch fear flash through her eyes then she starts to shake lightly. "Rose stop stay with me." Wait what's happening?

She shakes harder and gasps for air like she is struggling to breathe. "Harry she's having a panic attack! Come here and help. You're the only one who can probably make her come back quicker." I get up and stand in front of her then hold her face in my hands. "Hey baby look at me daddy's here. Look and me and take deep breaths princess." She looks at me but keeps struggling to breath.

I place her hands on my chest right above my heart so she can feel my heartbeat. "Breathe with me baby. Calm down and breathe with daddy." She begins to slowly calm down and breathe with me. "There you go baby. You're such a good girl for daddy. Did you know that daddy's heartbeat is all for you. My perfect princess." A few minutes later she's finally breathing regular. She lays her head on my chest for another couple of minutes before she finally speaks up. "I'm ready to go now."

Charlie looks at me and mouths to me "Take her now before she freaks out again". I nod to him and pick her up and place her on my hip. She quickly puts her face in the crook of my neck. "Charlie get all the medical treatment stuff ready for tour. We leave in 3 days for my first leg of my tour. You need to pack clothes for a couple of months so have multiple outfits. I suggest summer clothes and some winter clothes. I'll text you when we are done at the station." He gives me a thumbs up and kisses Rosie's head telling her to be strong.

I walk out with Rose and head to her hospital room to get Lou. He's still asleep so I shake him awake. "Bro we need to go to the station wanna join?" He rubs his eyes and gets up. "Yeah bro lets go." I grab my jacket and car keys and carry her to my car with Louis following behind. Louis gets into the passenger seat so I place Rose onto his lap so he can hold her while I drive. He rubs her back and I watch her slowly fall into a slumber. I drive to the station thinking one thing.

What is about to happen once we get to the station?

Authors Notes:
Okay so I know I said I was gonna have the parents this chapter but I didn't want to make it super long! I promise next chapter will be parents and it will be soon!
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Readers Questions:
Did Harry do good with helping Rosie with her panic attack?
How do you feel about Harry's offer to Charlie?
Are you upset Harry is still going on tour?
What do you want to happen next chapter to Rosie's parents?

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