Chapter 42

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Rosie is italics and bold when talking
Charlie is normal font when talking
Jake is bold when talking
Harry is italics when talking
Charlie's POV
I was waiting on the couch when it happened.
"Charlie I can't see!" I get up as fast as I can and run towards the stairs. I see her holding on to the railing looking like she's blind. "Oh my god Rosie! I got you hold on!" Just as I say that she drops to the stair and blacks out. I run up to her and pick her up. "Rosie!? Wake up!" She doesn't move an inch. Okay think Charlie what could be wrong. She complained of head aches and just said she couldn't see...oh no.

Please don't be what I think it means. "JAKE! COME HERE ROSE IS DOWN!" I hear his footsteps come towards me and him look at us in shock. "What happened!? Why is she passed out!" I'm hoping it's not what I think it is, god please let it not be true. "I don't know but I'm think it's something with her head so I need to get to the hospital now. Can you give me a ride?" He says yes then runs and gets his keys while I carry Rose to the car.

I wait for him to come out and unlock the door. He comes out talking on the phone with the keys. He unlocks the door for me and gets in while I hop into the front seat with Rose on my lap. "I hope you don't mind but my team is still at your house and working. My boss called and said we are all good for tomorrow so now it's just my teams job to get all the evidence."

I just realized her medical records can help with the case and most likely prove everything. "I have her medical records! Every time she came to the hospital I treated her. I can give it to you once we get her into the room. I'm gonna have to do testing on her....actually I'll have my assistant get them for you. Once you get the files I want you to go back and help your team. If you need a place to sleep I have a guest room and a pull out couch. I also have air mattresses in the closet but use whatever."

"I'm sure we will just crash on the couch but we aren't sleeping until we have everything we need. I don't care how tired we are, we will get those bastards in jail." I feel relieved that we can get them in jail but the amount of worry I have for her health right now is sky high. We get to the hospital and I run into it and towards my team.

It's times like these that I'm glad I'm the head surgeon. Everyone rushes over asking what happen but I can't seem to answer. All I want to do is get her to the hospital bed. My assistant comes up asking what's wrong so I tell her we need a CT scan asap and that she needs to get her medical reports for Jake. She listens to me then comes back and tells me we have to wait about half and hour for the CT scan before handing Jake the packet.

"Alright I'm going back to the house. Text me once you find out what's wrong with her." I say bye before going back to Rosie. I need to call Harry so he can come before the test. I pull out my phone and call Harry completely forgetting about what he's doing. He doesn't pick up so I call Louis once I realize they are busy. Louis picks up but instead of him talking I hear Harry.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?" Just as I was about to answer Rosie opens her eyes and starts crying loudly. I rush out of the room and get my nurse to try and calm her down so I can tell Harry to come. "Meet me in the hospital. I don't know what happened just meet me in the hospital." He says he will be there and I hang up quickly and rush to Rose trying to calm her down. "Shhh Rose it's okay I'm here. We just need you to get tested so thats why we are here. Don't worry you're safe."

She calms down once she sees me but is still upset and crying. "I-I want Daddy! W-want da-dada here wif me." I hold her in my arms and rock her back and forth slowly. "Shhhh Rosie. Your daddy is on his way and I'm sure he wouldn't want you all upset. Don't worry he will be here." For about 15 minutes I rock her until Harry and Louis comes running in panting. "What happened! Is she okay?!" Once Rose heard his voice she snapped her head up.

"Daddy! Come hold me pwease." I let go of her and let Harry take over. He pulls her into his arms and calms her down completely. Only if it was that easy for me to calm her down. "Charlie why is she at the hospital?" I look at Rose urging her to tell him what happened but she just hides her face into the crook of his neck. I let out a sigh knowing she's not gonna explain. "She was complaining of a headache but then after her bath she was walking down the stairs and said she couldn't see. I ran to her but then she blacked out."

He looks at her worried but then looks at me. "Do you know what's wrong with her?" I feel my heartbeat quicken up at me not knowing if I should tell him what I think it is. "I want to do some testing to see if I'm right. Once I get that done we can talk." He nods his head and kisses Rosie's head. She smiles at him but then smacks him on the chest. "Ouch! What was that for kitten?" She gives him this adorable mad look before she lets out a huff. "You went to my parents house!" Oops.

He looks at me wide eyed and I just shrug sheepishly. "Don't look at Charlie like that! He's my best friend I know when he lies. I'm mad that you went to a place where you could've gotten hurt! Oh and Louis you're in trouble too. You both are in big trouble that...that you guys getting time outs!" Louis, Harry and I all look at each other before we burst out laughing at her little threat. She pouts and crosses her arms. "Not funny you guys! I serious."

Harry coos at her and ruffles her hair. "I know baby I know we were very naughty but we wanted pay back! You're not mad at us for that right?" I can tell he really is worried about this since his voice becomes nervous. She looks at Louis then back at Harry before shaking her head no. "Not mad bout you hurting tem. I worried bout you guys getting booboos like mes. I no want you guys getting hurted." He lets out a sigh of relief along with Louis. My assistant interrupts us saying that the CT scanner is ready for us.

Harry looks scared but quickly hides it so Rosie doesn't worry. I can tell he's trying not to scare her but I know how he feels. Louis gives Rose a hug before Harry and I take Rose to the scan room. I watch Harry take care of Rose the whole time while I set up the machine. Once I get everything ready I lay her down and tell her to be still. Harry goes and walks away but she starts to get scared and reaches out for him. "Hey baby it's alright. Charlie and I will be right behind the glass then we can get you. Be a good girl and stay still for Charlie."

She listens to him and lets go of his hand. We make it to the room and start the process of her scan. A few minutes later the scan finishes. Harry gets her out and I send them back to the room to wait. I wait for the results for a while until they show up. I look at the image of her brain and see exactly what I didn't want to see. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach and I feel tears roll down my cheeks. My assistant comes in and looks at the scans before pulling me into a hug. She knows that it's Rosie's...she knows that it isn't good.

I walk to Rosie's room once I calmed down. I see her playing with Louis while Harry secretly records on his phone. They all look up at me and smile. I look at Louis and Rosie admiring their little bond before looking at Harry. "Can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I watch his face fall then he gets up and nods. Louis says he'll watch Rose while we talk. I walk to the room where we tell the bad news too the loved ones. He sits down in the chair and looks at me nervously. "So is she okay?"

How am I suppose to tell him? How can I break him this more? I take a deep breath and say the sentence that will change everything.

"I'm sorry but her scan showed signs of a tumor."

Authors Notes:
Don't hate me! I swear it will get better. I hope you like this chapter and if you didn't...well sorry. Comment and vote❤️

Readers Questions:
What do you want next chapter?
How do you think Harry will take the news?
How do you think Rosie will take the news?
What's your favorite part so far in this book?

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