Chapter 29

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Anne is bold while talking
Harry is cursive when talking
Rose is bold and cursive when talking
Louis is regular font with ""
Harry's POV
I can't wrap my head around the fact that Rosie bought me a guitar with her own money. I know this guitar is expensive and a part of me feels bad about her spending so much on me. I look at the back of my guitar again seeing the engravement. I love her so much it almost hurts. She doesn't know that me a Lou grabbed her some presents for her birthday. We did get clothes for ourselves but mostly gifts for Rosie.

I don't even think she remembers her birthday is in three days but she will get a day of pampering. Chris picked up all the bags so she didn't see anything but we have a couple bags in my rover that she's getting now. We all walk to the car and hop in. "I'll probably go home when we get back but is it okay if I come by a couple times this week? I want to spend time with you guys." I knew Rose made Louis fall at her feet. She somehow makes everyone fall in love with her so quickly but I don't blame them she just radiates love.

"You're welcomed anytime Lou. I'm sure Rosie will like having her trouble maker with her. Just make sure to text before so I know not to go out anywhere." I look at my car mirror checking on Rosie only to find her asleep with her head on my moms shoulder. "You're a lucky lad Haz. Not every girlfriend would spend that much money on their boyfriend let alone make it special. I never liked any of your girls before but somehow her doe eyes got to me. You should've seen me when an employee called her a freak I almost smacked a hoe. Luckily my words scared them before it got too far but I was so mad, it was like they called me a freak too."

Wait hold on who called Rosie a freak!? HOLD THE FUCK ON! "What do you mean someone called her a freak!?" I whisper-shout trying not to wake up my princess. He looks at me like he just got caught then sighs loudly. "She was paying and an employee called her a freak. I'm not suppose to say anything but it slipped. Rosie didn't want you to worry about people bullying her." My poor baby just doesn't get a break does she?

"I don't know what to do Lou...she doesn't deserve all the name calling and pain but she constantly gets hurt. My fans are suppose to support me but they already are freaking out about what happened at the hospital. They are calling Rosie a gold digger and so much worst. I feel like her being with me will just cause harm. What if I'm causing her tears." This has been bothering me a lot but the selfish part of me doesn't want to let her go.

"Rosie is a strong girl Harry. She wouldn't be with you if she couldn't handle it. The way she looks at you makes up for the tears because she loves you. She wears her heart on her sleeve but you're the only one who witnesses it. You and her leaving each other would cause much more pain then random people calling her names. Let's be honest if she left, you would be broken...actually broken. You guys are meant to be together." What he says is true about me being broken if she left.

"I agree with Louis on that one H. She loves and cares for you way more than she cares about other people's opinions. Yes she will get upset about the name calling but it's your job to make sure she doesn't believe anything they say." Gosh I'm getting double teamed! "I know guys I just don't like seeing her in pain. I couldn't leave her anyways...I love her way to much to let her go." They agree and pat me on the back. We make it back to my house and get out carrying all the bags in before I carry Rose into the house and to her bed. Chris is making dinner with my mom while Louis goes back home.

"Dada?" I look down seeing Rosie up. "Hey princess how's my baby?" She rubs her eyes with her small hands then sits up. "G-good dadas I ums I wubs woo. I I wants uddles wif woos. Cans woo holds mi pwease?" Wow this is the first time where she's really little. I can't help but coo at her before holding her in my arms. "Awww my baby is feeling small isn't she? Daddy will hold you baby. Can you tell me how big you are princess?" I watch her stick her tongue out concentrating before she holds up 3 fingers.

"I is thee dada! I wubs woo daddy so so much! Woo makes me happy and I um wishes woo was my first dada instead of mean daddy froms before." I freeze when I hear the words "Mean daddy". What does she mean mean? She's too little for me to talk about this with but I can't help but worry that my little princess was hurt by a previous daddy. "Well baby daddy will never be a mean daddy. Daddy will always love and make you happy. You make daddy the happiest daddy alive! You're my pretty little princess."

I give her wet kisses all over her face causing her to giggle out. "Dada stooppps it! You silly daddy! Makes me have lobber all overs me face! Hehe stops it." I stop kissing her and stare at the beauty in my arms. Her cute little face is red from laughing while her eyes crinkle on the sides as she smiles. I am so lucky.

Authors notes:
I'm trying to update everyday! Little Rosie will be coming out a lot more.
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Readers notes:
What's your favorite part about this chapter?
Are you ready for Rosie's birthday?
What should her presents be?
How should Rosie tell Haz about her ex?

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