Chapter 25

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Harry is cursive when talking
Rose is bold and cursive when talking
Louis is regular font with ""
Harry's POV
I push Lou into the wall and run into the kitchen first. "Ha! Made it first!" He comes in shortly after holding his arm. "Owww you hurt me! Rosie can you help me? I'm in so much pain." What? I didn't even push him that hard. "Harry! You have to be more careful! Come on Lou let's get you an ice pack." Rosie helps him sit at the dining table and grabs a bag of ice. "Thanks Rosie you're the best." She smiles at him and hands him the ice pack. She turns around and gets the food ready but when she's not looking Louis winks at me and smirks. That asshole! He's not even hurt.

I flip him off and look to see what Rosie's doing. She lifts up the top of the pot and the smell of fresh pasta fills the air. Oh my gosh it smells so good!! How does she know how to make all of this so quick? She sets the plates and serves us our meals. "Thanks princess it smells amazing." "What do you guys want to drink? You're welcome it's the least I can do for you." I don't even know what I have in the fridge to be honest. "I'll take a beer." Oh god alcohol can be a trigger. She freezes up then nods and grabs him a beer.

"Do you want a beer too daddy?" She just called me daddy in front of Louis holy crap. That means she's comfortable with him. "No thanks baby can I have some soda? I don't know if there's any left." She checks the fridge and pulls out a Coca-Cola bottle then gives us our drinks. She goes back and pours a drink for herself then sits down with us. "Eat you guys!" Hey you don't have to tell me twice! I take a bite of the pasta and damn does it taste good!

"Oh my god Rosie this tastes so amazing! How did you learn to cook?" I continue to eat listening to them talk. "My parents made me make them dinner so I learned that way." The mention of her parents makes my blood boil all over again. "Oh well I hope one day I'll meet them!" I choke on my food making me cough. "You alright H?" I nod my head and wipe my mouth. "Yeah I'm fine" Rosie hands me my drink telling me to take a sip. "You won't meet my parents but Momma Anne takes care of me." He looks at her confused.

"Harry and I met because he saved me. Long story short I was abused by my parents and harry got me to the hospital. Let's just say I was beaten up by my dad pretty well that if I was a couple minutes late to the hospital I would be dead. He stayed with me until I woke up then shortly after this lady came in and tried to kill me...I fell into a coma and three weeks later I woke up again. Now I'm here." I look at her shocked that she's not crying and the fact that she told him. "Wow I wasn't expecting that...dang you're a soldier! I'm glad I won't met your parents because if I did I would probably curse them out while harry beats the shit out of your father. No offense." He's right she is a little soldier. "It's okay I wish I could beat them up but I'm too weak. Harry saved me....without him I wouldn't be here. My parents aren't even parents to me. They took my money and did horrible things. I hope that one day I'll be able to repay harry. Oh and I hope me and you become friends!"

Louis POV
When Harry said someone was staying with him I just thought it was nobody. I feel like the biggest jerk now. Her story is so messed up and I can't even imagine what harry felt when she was in a coma. I can already tell that Harry's in love with her. "It's okay I wish I could beat them up but I'm too weak. Harry saved me....without him I wouldn't be here. My parents aren't even parents to me. They took my money and did horrible things. I hope that one day I'll be able to repay harry. Oh and I hope me and you become friends!"

This girl doesn't even know that her being with Hazza is repaying him. "Of course we can be friends!" I look at harry giving him a looking telling him we needed to talk alone. We finish dinner and Harry and I excuse ourselves so we can talk. "She's not like any of your other littles Harry. You better not mess up." I tell him knowingly.

"Trust me...I won't mess up with her. I wanted to call you when everything was happening but I just didn't think it was the right time. I was so scared that I was gonna lose her. I'm in love with her already and it's only been a little over a month. Seeing her hurting was the worst. What she didn't tell you is the lady who beat her up was a fan of mine. She attacked Rose because she believed Rosie didn't deserve me. Rosie was physically and mentally hurt by everything. She has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety because of all the abuse and bullying. My mom knows all about Rose too! She was with me the whole time until the coma. She came here to set up a room for Rose but the whole time she was texting me asking about Rose's condition." Wait hold on Anne knows about Rose?! She is always anti girlfriend when it comes to Harry's dating life.

"She likes Rose?! Bro that's amazing, I never thought i hear you say that." He lets a laugh and agrees with me. "She doesn't just like Rose, she loves her like a daughter. She gave us all matching pendant necklaces with our initials on the back. On top of that she asked Rose if she could be the mother figure in Rose's life." Dang Harry is serious about this girl. "We need to find her parents and make them suffer." "I'm working on that but trust me they are done hurting her." I might not know Rose that much but any kid shouldn't get beaten by their parents.

"Do you think she's the one Harry?" I'm generally curious about how he feels. "Honestly man I think so...she makes me so happy. I felt like my dark world is light again. I'm worried she will get hurt by our fans though since it already happened once. I'm taking her shopping tomorrow so if you want to come then tag along. I plan on spoiling her...even though she doesn't want me paying." Hmm going shopping with Harry's girlfriend that he loves or stay at home with Netflix....SHOPPING!! "Yea I'll go! Let's go check up on her. You did good haz...she's special." We make our way to the kitchen and walk into something shocking.

Authors notes:
I updated quicker because someone commented asking for another update! I hope you like this chapter🖤 Vote and comment🖤

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