Chapter 34 part 3

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Anne is bold when talking
Harry is cursive when talking
Rose is bold and cursive when talking
Louis is normal with ""
Zayn is underlined when talking
Harry POV
I can tell how happy Rosie is. Her make over just made her look even more beautiful than she already is. Having all of the boys here to meet her is a big deal but I don't want her to be nervous. They've never actually met one of my girlfriends before all at the same time...they actually never really met any really. With Kendall it was for events but they never really talked to her.

"I love you too daddy." I can't believe she told the paparazzi off. For the last 6 months I've been harassed with Kendall questions but I knew if I called her out I would look like the bad guy. I can't wait to see the video of my baby girl standing up for me. I watch all my band mates look at us in shock. I've never said I love you to a girlfriend but Rosie doesn't know that. Truth is all my girlfriends I liked but never loved.

Saying I love you is a huge step for me but it comes natural when I'm with Rosie. "Yeah I forgot to tell you guys that Harry and Rosie are um serious. Let's just say they've been through a lot." Liam, Zayn and Niall look at me confused at Louis's statement. I look at Rosie not knowing if she wanted me to say. "Harry saved me.." She goes on telling them about everything that's happened with her parents then the girl who attacked her because of me and the Mia stuff. By the end of the story everyone looked emotional, even zayn who was trying to hide his tears.

"But I'm okay now. It's my birthday and I have my best friend for years here, my amazing boyfriend and his three best friends who I know will become mine. I have Lou who is my double trouble and I have Chris who is my playhouse buddy. I also have my momma Anne who protects me. This is all I could ask for...thank you guys for coming to my birthday party." Everyone gets up and hugs her while I watch from behind.

Zayn comes up to me and pulls me into a hug. "Dude I don't know how but you found her. I really think this one will work out. Do you think she's the one?." Do I think Rosie is the she the person I will someday marry? "She's the's only been a short amount of time but I know it. She's been in my life for 2 months already and I can't imagine life without her. I messed up big time yesterday and it made me realize that I don't want to lose her. She could've left after what I said to her but instead of being mad she cried about disappointing me. Can you believe that!? I was in the wrong yet she didn't care because she just wants to make me happy. Bro I can't believe I fell in love so quickly but she's an angel."

He rests his arm around my shoulder while we both watch Rosie talk with the others. "I've never seen you so happy before. She seems amazing...she is amazing. Everyone likes her and that's crazy since we normally never agree with you. She fits in with the family so keep her around." I just now noticed that everyone is literally laughing and smiling with her. She really is part of the family. "I don't plan on leaving her ever. She's the one Zayn I just know it." She turns to me and smiles motioning me to come over.

I walk over to her with Zayn wondering what she wants. "Daddy can we have cake!? I ate all my food so does that mean I get cake!?" I completely forgot about that! I got a strawberry cake for her since it's her favorite. "You can have cake and open presents!" Her face lights up and she claps excitingly sitting down in her birthday chair. Louis grabs the cake and lights the candles before setting it down in front of her. We sing happy birthday to her and she makes a wish.

I grab all her presents and set them in front of her. "This is all for me?" I look down at her pile of gifts just now realizing she has at least 11 presents in front of her. "Yes baby they are from everyone so open them!" She picks up a pink bag and opens up her present. I know it's from Zayn since he showed me the gift before he wrapped it. "Oh! I love this. Thank you so much Zayn! How did you know I liked to draw?" She looks at the professional sketch book and pencil set he got her along with the body paint. "I just kind of guessed haha. Harry did say you looked like an artistic type." She smiles and thanks him again before opening the next gift.

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