Chapter 8

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Charlie is the picture above!!
Anne is bold when talking
Harry is cursive when talking
Doctor Charlie is underlined when talking
Rose is bold and cursive when talking
Harry POV
"Well Rose it looks like you have 4 broken ribs, 1 of them punctured a lung which caused bleeding, major bruising to your face, a concussion, a broken ankle and fractured wrist. The main problem is the rib area but we were able to stop the lung from bleeding. Your body is really weak so we have to keep a close eye on you. Your lucky this young man took you here because you would've died if you came here any later. It will be a couple days until your able to leave the hospital but even after that you need to be careful. As a friend I say you stay away from any danger so if you want you can stay with me again. I have your room still set up for you."

What does he mean he has a room JUST FOR HER!?!! I feel my blood start to boil and my fist clench. "Don't you think it's unprofessional to have a room for one of your patients at your own house!!"

"She isn't just a patient sir Miss Princess here has been in my care before. Rose has been with me for years and all my staff know this. "

"Of fucking course they do!" With that I get up and walk to the door about to leave until I hear a whimper. I whip my head around to see Rose with tears streaming down her face. "Princess what's wrong!?!" I rush over to her and grab her hand. "I I don't li like when your angry I s sorry I upset you please don't hit me I promise not to do it again."

"No sweetie I'm not mad at you I promise! I would never hit you! I promise I will never ever hit you even if I'm super mad. I was just upset because of a silly reason you did nothing wrong." I watch as she sniffles and nods her head. "Sir if I could talk to you outside for a minute that would be great."

"Okay let me just get her comfortable first." I wipe her tears away. "Princess I'm going to talk to him real quick is that ok?"

"Yes da um Harry I will be fine."

"Ok baby I'll be right back." Omg did she just almost call me DADDY!? Gosh this girl is so precious. I kiss her forehead and walk out with the doctor. "Hey sweetie I have her bag for you." I turn and see my mom with Rose's bag in one hand and a cup of coffee in another. "Thanks mom can you go in there and give it to her? I have to talk to the doctor real quick."

"Yup got it!" As soon as my mom gets in the room the doctor starts to talk. "I know you saved her but I know her. She isn't like most girls you pick Mr. Styles. Rose is a beautiful girl inside and out. I have always protected Rose when this happens. She has stayed with me before so I feel like I should take care of her instead of some famous boy from a boy band."

"Listen Doctor you don't know anything about me. I'm not some famous scum bag that uses girls. I believe that you've taken care of her before but I want to protect, take care of and possible fall in love with Rose. I don't know if you guys are dating but if you two are dating then I will let her go. I've been searching for my princess and I believe there's a chance Rose is her. I will do anything for her even if that means leaving..."

"I'm not dating Rose Mr. Styles. Rose is my best friend, she means everything to me. If she wants to go with you I won't stop her but promise me that you will take care of her. I'm sorry for judging you I'm just very protective of her. If you want her to be safe then you need to keep her away from danger and have her checked up in the next couple weeks after she's discharged. "

"Okay I can do that and I promise I will take care of her."

"Good... well I have another patient I have to check up on, tell Rose that if she needs me I'm here. "

"Okay doc sorry for earlier I'll see you later."

Rose POV
"Well Rose it looks like you have 4 broken ribs, 1 of them punctured a lung which caused bleeding, major bruising to your face, a concussion, a broken ankle and fractured wrist. The main problem is the rib area but we were able to stop the lung from bleeding. Your body is really weak so we have to keep a close eye on you. Your lucky this young man took you here because you would've died if you came here any later. It will be a couple days until your able to leave the hospital but even after that you need to be careful. As a friend I say you stay away from any danger so if you want you can stay with me again. I have your room still set up for you."

DAMN my parents really fucked me up. I've stayed with Charlie (The doctor is Charlie) before but this time I feel like I should stay with Harry. I was just about to decline his offer when harry cuts me off. "Don't you think it's unprofessional to have a room for one of your patients at your own house!!" Oh no he probably thinks I'm a slut now! I see Charlie respond back and harry get red in the face. He HATES ME NOW! He probably thinks me and Charlie are dating....EWWWWW Charlie and I!!!?!? Haha that's so nasty it makes me laugh.

I mean Charlie isn't bad looking at all if anything he's sexy but I couldn't date him! He's my best friend! I hear footsteps leaving me so I look up to see harry walking away. No don't go please! I promise I'll be a good girl! I whimper out hoping he will hear me and come back. I then realize I have tears running down my face. Gosh I'm a big baby! "Princess what's wrong!?!" I look up seeing him rushing over to me.

"I I don't li like when your angry I s sorry I upset you please don't hit me I promise not to do it again." I don't want him to hit me like my parents! They hit me over everything and I hope he isn't like that. Why can't I ever be a good girl! "No sweetie I'm not mad at you I promise! I would never hit you! I promise I will never ever hit you even if I'm super mad. I was just upset because of a silly reason you did nothing wrong."

Oh well that makes me feel way better! I thought he was mad at me... I see Charlie whisper something in Harry's ear and nod. Harry leans over and wipes away my tears, gosh he's so sweet. "Princess I'm going to talk to him real quick is that ok?" Dang it why does Charlie have to take him away now!! "Yes da um Harry I will be fine." HOLY CRAP I ALMOST CALLED HIM DADDY! I need to be more careful! I wish he was my daddy though.

Harry and Charlie walk outside and shortly after is see Anne walk in with my bag! Yesssss I can have my stuffie now!! Oh crap I need to hide that so they don't know I'm a little! "Thanks Anne your the best!" I can't believe she got my bag just for me! "Sweetie I need to talk to you...I saw what was in your bag... "

Oh she knows I'm a freak...

Authors note!!
I can't believe I updated so quickly but I'm love writing this book! Please comment your answers to the questions!

Questions for you!
Do you want more Anne?
What do you want to see next chapter?

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