Chapter 6

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Harry POV
I wait and wait for what feels like hours. I watch families receive good and bad news but nothing comes for me. My mom waits along my side the whole time. "You like her don't you?"

"I don't even know her mom but it's something about her that I like. I saw her walking before and I swear I thought she could be a little but the next time I see her she's running and collapsing. I've had many Little's but all they do is use me for money. I'm hoping I will find a little that will love me for me not just THE HARRY STYLES."

"I know that you've been used but there's a reason why you and her met. I don't know what happened to her but there's a reason why you saved her. From the looks of it that girl needs someone to protect her. I know you harbear and you are the sweetest man ever."

I know my mom is right but I'm still afraid to get used. "Family of Rose Grace??" I look up to see a doctor waiting. I get up and rush over to him along with my mom. "Is she ok!? What's wrong with her? Please tell me she's alive."

"Sir I need you to sit and calm down." I sit in the nearest chair and wait for him to tell me what's wrong with Rose. "Sir I'm sorry to say this but miss Garcia is in intensive care. She suffered a lot of injuries and is in bad shape." I break down and cry praying that she will get better. "Doctor can you tell us what's wrong with her?" I hear my mom as the doctor and wait for his answer.

"Well considering you are the people who brought her in I will tell you her injuries. Miss Rose has been here before sadly multiple times and I know we can't call her parents because they won't show up." I frown at that statement. What parents let their kid be alone at a hospital! What parents don't check to see if their kid is alright!?!

"Miss Rose has 4 broken ribs, 1 of them punctured a lung which caused bleeding. If you guys would've been a couple minutes later she would've died. She also has major bruising to her face, a concussion, broken ankle and fractured wrist. The main problem is the rib area but we were able to stop the lung from bleeding. Her body is really weak so we have to keep a close eye on her."

I stood there shocked. "Can we see her?"

"Yes but I will warn you she doesn't look the best and she's currently still sedated."

"Ok we understand. I'm sure you know who my son is so can you please get him to her room so he doesn't get noticed. We want to keep this on a low. Also we want the best nurses looking after Rose. Control you employees and make sure they say nothing about this please." The doctor agrees and walks down the halls leading to a room. He tells us room 251 is our room and Rose should wake up in about 30 minutes. Well here it goes harry, she's in the room waiting for you.

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