Chapter 41

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Rosie's bold and italics when talking
Charlie is normal when talking
Rosie's POV
I miss daddy already. I wonder where he's going. Maybe Charlie will tell me! I watch him cook me mac and cheese and nuggets. "Charlie where did daddy go?" He looks up at me and looks away from my eyes. "They just went to grab so things from the store." I can tell he's lying because he avoids eye contact every time he lies. "Why are you lying? I'm your best friend!" He looks at me guilty but doesn't answer me back.

"Charlie if he could get hurt from whatever he's doing I need to know!" I can tell he wants to tell me but for some reason he won't. "I promised him not to tell you." I look at him angrily before I get up from my seat. "Fine then I'll go find him myself." He quickly grabs me and makes me stop. "Fine fine but you need to promise not to leave."

"Okay I promise! Now tell me." He looks at me then fiddles with his thumbs. "Um so they went to your dads house?" Wait for a minute there I thought I just heard Charlie say Harry went to my parents house. "You heard me right Rose...they went to get revenge for you." I feel my heart start racing rapidly at the mention of my parents.

"What do you mean they went to my parents house!?" I whisper shout knowing Jake can't know about this. "Harry wanted them to feel your pain before they get locked up...I even told him to hit harder for me." I feel worry spread across my body. What if Harry or Louis gets hurt? What if my dad kills them? "They could get hurt! Why would you let them go knowing what my dad could do!" He rubs my back trying to calm me down.

"They didn't go alone sweetie. They will be safe I promise." I relax a little knowing they didn't go alone. "He doesn't understand that I don't care if I get hurt but if he does it would kill me inside. I can't have him getting hurt Charlie...he's my everything." Charlie continues to calm me down staying quiet until I finish talking.

"I know but you need to remember that Harry will do everything in his power to come back home to you. He has back up so I'm almost positive he's safe. Are you mad he's going to hurt your parents?"

Am I mad? Should I be mad? "They aren't my parents. They are just the people who have birth to me. I don't give a damn about them and for all I care, Harry can kill them." I know I might be a little harsh but they killed my brother and for that reason I will NEVER FORGIVE THEM.

"Well I'm sure they will be in a lot of pain tonight. Okay come on let's get some food into your little tummy."

Just as he said that my tummy monster starts to growl. Shhhh tummy! Charlie has food for you so calm down. "Yeah I need some yummy food! Then we can watch movies and wait for daddy!" He sets down my princess plate full of food and ruffles my hair. "Your daddy also wants you to be washed up before he gets home remember that." Dang it! I really hoped he forgot that.

"Ugh fine but only if I get a bath bomb."
I take a bite of my mac and cheese and moan out. "Oh my god this tastes so good! Thank you for making food for me." He chuckles at my reaction and smiles at me. "I have to take care of you so your daddy doesn't beat me up." I roll my eyes at him knowing Harry wouldn't hurt Charlie. I continue eating until I feel a sharp pain in my head. Ouch this really hurts. "What's wrong?" I look at Charlie and shake my head. "Nothing just a headache." He looks at me skeptical but listens to me anyways. Why does this happen?

Ever since my throwing up incident I've been getting these head aches and dizziness. I'm getting a little worried now but I don't want to worry everyone. I finish my food and clean my dishes. "If your feeling sick I need to know Rose. I'm a doctor I can help." Should I tell him? No I'll wait until after everything finishes with my parents. "I'm okay Charlie."

He lets out a sigh of defeat before picking me up. "Let's go put you in the bath princess." He carries me to the bathroom and runs the water. I used to love being called princess by Charlie but now it feels different. I feel like Harry should be the only one to call me princess since he's my prince. "Can I be in my underwear while I take my bath?" I don't know why I'm asking since daddy already said yes.

"Of course Rose. What color bath bomb do you want? I have a new black one for you to try." Woah a black bath bomb! I've never seen that before. "Black!" I take off my clothes leaving on my underwear before stepping into the tub filled with warm water. Charlie hands me my bath bomb before grabbing the soaps and washcloth. I drop it into the water and watch the black spread threw the water. Wow it's so pretty. I watch in awe loving the way it looks.

Suddenly my vision starts to get blurry but then it goes back to normal

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Suddenly my vision starts to get blurry but then it goes back to normal. That's weird...that's never happened before only dizziness and head pains. Now that I think about it I've been really tired too. I snap out of my thoughts once I feel Charlie pour water in my hair. He squeezes shampoo onto my head and massages my scalp clean. Once he's finished he rinses it out and repeats the process with conditioner.

I'm so lucky I have him in my life. He always takes care of me even when he doesn't have to.
"Your hair is so beautiful. I love the haircut you got for your birthday it really suits you." I kiss him on the cheek as a thank you. He grabs the wash cloth and washes my body but leaves out my princess parts. "Wash you princess parts and dry off. I'm going to get your clothes picked out and leave them on the bed for you. I'll be on the couch with the movies so come down once you're ready." I reply with an okay and he leaves me to finish up.

I wash my princess parts then dry off before heading to the bed to get my clothes. He left me my princess crown pajamas along with my fuzzy socks. I quickly change into them and make my way towards the stairs. I grab onto the railing and start walking down but then everything gets blurry. "Charlie!? I- I can't see." I take another step holding on tight but then my legs give out from under me and I fall onto the step still holding on to the railing.

Maybe I should've told Charlie about me not feeling good. "Oh my god Rosie! I got you hold on." I hear his footsteps come closer to me then everything goes black.

Authors notes:
I hope you liked this chapter! It's kind of a filler chapter so you guys can know about what happened at Charlie's house. Please comment and Vote ❤️

Readers Questions:
What do you think is wrong with Rose?
How do you think Harry will react?
How do you feel about Rose not telling anyone about her not feeling well?
What do you want to see next chapter?

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