Chapter Eight

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Maisy's POV

Today was the day! Yesterday Jc and I planned for Trevor and I to meet at the beach, along with the other guys! Of course it's a surprise. But Jc said that Trevor finally realized it was me once they got home. I guess that's a good thing.

"Mom, we're gonna be late! Jc said to meet him at the main bathroom building so we can 'bump into each other' and all that jazz!" Could they go any slower?! I was about to spend a whole day with my idols and she's being a slug!

"Alright honey! I'm ready." My mom and I ride the elevator down to the lobby and walk across the street to the beach.

Unfortunately, Mrs. West had to take Erin to an appointment, so they can't be here. I don't think I'll be doing much swimming today, with my tank and all, but I may wade in the water or get my tan on.

"I'm so nervous, mom." I told her and she rubbed my back soothingly.

"It'll be fine, sweetie. I think I'm going to go back to the hotel to get some rest later. Is that alright?" I nod my head and she smiles.

We step onto the beach and immediately get some stares. This happens a lot, so I'm used to it.

I stood by the water fountain Jc told me about while my mom set up our towels and blankets. Jc comes over to me in a few minutes.

"Hey again Mais! Can I call you that?" He asks and I giggle.

"Of course, but only if I can call you Jay." He nods and lifts me up.

"Jay! Put me down." I squeal and squirm around in his arms. Dang him and his strong-ness. He carries me over to where the guys are standing and Trevor grins.

"My pee was nice, thanks for asking. But look, I found a butterfly!" I laugh at him and he puts me down.

"Boys, this is the lovely Ms. Maisy Evans. The fabulous girl Trevor has been rambling on about for months. She came from New Mexico to meet us! It was what she used her wish on." I wave at the guys.

"I remember you from yesterday! You were wearing a pair of vans that I wanted." Sam says.

"Are we going to hang out or what?!" The guys all cheer and lift me up. What's with the boys and lifting up young girls? Once we're closer to the water they put me down gently.

Ricky, Sam, Kian and Connor start taking off their shirts and shoes. I blush furiously and look away. Jc somehow slipped away from us, so he was nowhere in sight.

"Hey Maisy." Trevor sits next to me and plays with the sand.

"Hi." Why am I so nervous? I already met these guys, some more than once.

"I'm really sorry I didn't recognize you. You look completely different now then you do in your icon. I really was looking forward to meeting you and hanging out with you." He apologizes.

"Trevor, it's fine. I know you didn't expect me to be hauling around an oxygen tank and have no hair."

"That's not what I meant, Maisy. But you're beautiful." I blush and look away.

"C'mon, lovebirds! The water is perfect." Ricky yells at us and we laugh.

I carefully take off my shirt and fold it nicely, along with my shorts. I slip off my flip flops and look over at Trevor, who's is already staring at me. He blushes and helps me with my tank.

I can swim with the oxygen tank in the water, it just won't be easy carrying it around.

What is Ricky talking about?! The water is freezing! Well, as my mom says, If I had more meat on my bones, I wouldn't be cold so easily.

I sat towards the shore where the water washed up every few seconds. I watched the guys splash and swim in the ocean's salty water. Oh, how I wish I was healthy.

"Why aren't you with them?" Connor sits next to me. How did he . . .?

"It's hard to swim with the tank." He nods understandingly.

"What if you took it off? Just for a couple minutes." Connor suggested and I shrugged.

"I guess. I have to be careful." Connor smiled lightly and helped me take it off. To save my breath for a minute or two, he lifted me up and brought me to where the others were.

"Yay!" They all cheered and I held on to Connor tightly. It's really deep out here. I think he sensed that I was nervous, so he held me like a baby instead.

"Con's a swimmer, he'll save you if you need him!" Jay tells me.

The guys carefully splash and play with me for a little bit until Connor hooks me up to the machine again. Sam and I tanned for awhile, which was nice. I'm really glad I'm getting to do this.

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