Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Maisy's POV

It's been a few days since Disneyland. All of the boys have been traveling city to city talking to different people about who knows what. It occupies a lot of their time. And when they do have a free moment, they're filming a video.

As for Trevor, he's been avoiding me. Ever since the kiss he's hardly said a word. And I have no idea.

My mom went to Vegas with my aunt yesterday, so I'm left watching my brother. He's never around much. He's either at the beach or at the neighbor's house.

I guess you could say I've been lonely the past week.

So far I've watched all of the Harry Potter movies, started and completed three books, and completed two seasons of Glee. I honestly have no life.

My mom texted me yesterday, though, telling me to make some new friends. But I doubt that it's really gonna happen. What teenage girl wants to be friends with another teenage girl who has thyroid cancer and has to wheel around an oxygen tank?

Oh, that's right. Nobody.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I think I'm just gonna go to the beach and try to tan.

Okay, so so far, my beach experience has been horrible. A bird pooped in my hair, three people have tripped over me and knocked over my tank, and somebody spilled their ice cream all over me.

I laid there and read my book peacefully, keeping an eye out for anybody who seems like a perfect suspect to trip over me. I look down for a second and . . .

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I did not see you there." A higher pitched southern accent says. I pick up my tank and look up at the girl.

She was tall and a healthy skinny with dark blonde hair. Her eyes were hidden by a pair of sunglasses.

"It's okay. It's been happening all day." I let it slide and she extends her hand.

"I'm Shelby! What's your name?" I shake her hand and smile.

"I'm Maisy." She looks at the book in my hands.

"I love Perks of Being a Wallflower!" She sits next to me and looks over my page.

"It's a really good book so far." I tell her.

"Yeah. I love your haircut!" She compliments me.

"Thank you."

"What are you doing all alone on this beach?" She asks.

"My friends are all on . . . vacation, and so is my mom. So I decided to lay out by the water." I respond.

"Cool! What are your hobbies?" She wonders.

"Have you had, like, a whole case of Red Bull lately? Just curious." She laughed.

"Nah. Or at least I don't think so. My brother is so unpredictable." She pulls her hair back into a ponytail.

"Anyways, I like to read and write. I don't do much. Yourself?"

"Oh I love running. And soccer. And lifting weights. It's all to impress my boyfriend, Chayse, though. Don't worry I'm not that crazy." I mentally roll my eyes.

"That's nice. Are you infatuated with any celebrities?" I ask her.

"Totally. One Direction, Five Seconds of Summer, Taylor Swift, Magcon and Ed Sheeran. What about you?"

"Demi Lovato, Lea Michele, One Direction and Five Seconds of Summer. Just about the same as you." I put my book on the ground and uncross my legs.

"Well, I've gotta run. Literally. Trying to loose some weight. My brother and I have been lifting weights, too. What's your number?" I put my number in her phone and she runs off.

"Crazy, that one. I'm telling ya." I whisper to myself, quoting the first Harry Potter movie. I crack myself up.

Make a Wish » Trevor MoranWhere stories live. Discover now