Chapter Twenty-Six

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Maisy's POV

The past few days I've hardly done anything. Trevor has spent the night each night since the hospital visit. My dad left yesterday leaving only my mom, brother and I in the house.

I feel like a baby. Trevor has to help me eat, drink, and even get changed. I've been so exhausted I can hardly function. I hate it, but I don't mind at the same time.

Whenever I get killer cramps or really heated headaches he sings to me. Ed Sheeran, Five Seconds of Summer, you name it. And I love him for that. His voice is like an angel's.

And these past few days Trevor and I have grown inseparable. We're like two peas in a pod. He's my best friend.

And through this all I feel really bad. In the middle of the night I'll wake up screaming because of my headaches or cramps, and I'll wake him up, too. He's being so sweet about it though. He simply climbs in bed with me and sings.

Today is the day my meds end and I don't have to take them ever again. For now, at least. The doctor still wants me to take it easy.

"Trevor? Can you hand me my water?" I ask him weakly. He grabs my glass of water and hands it to me. I take a sip and hand it back.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and picks out an outfit for me.

"Better. The headaches aren't as bad." I answer him.

"That's good."

"Thank you. For everything. I don't know if anyone would've done this for me back in New Mexico." I tell him honestly.

"I'm glad I could help you. I wanted to, anyways." He responds.

Once he picks out my outfit he hands me my undergarments. You see, I either get changed under the covers or he leaves the room. Then he re-enters and helps me with my other stuff.

Today he's picked out sweats, a Hoodie Allen tank and red vans. Trevor really has style.

"The boys will be here soon. They're bringing tons of gifts for you. They feel horrible." He says.

"Why? They don't have to. It's not even their fault." I reply.

"They really do care about you, Maisy. They all look at you like their younger sister." He tells me.

"I know. Which I hate. Because I know I'm gonna die soon." I say.

"Hey, don't say that. You've made it this far, who says you can't make it to your thirties? You're strong, Maisy." He addresses.

"Thank you. Again." I lean in for a kiss and he does, too. Before our lips touch the door bell rings.

"That must be the guys." He tells me. He picks me up like a koala bear and I rest my head on his shoulder. He supports my body by holding on to my legs as we venture down the windy staircase.

Trevor answers the door and all of the boys are standing there, carrying on. Loudly and obnoxiously. Oh god. My head.

"Shhh! You can't be loud. It'll make the headache worse." He quiets them.

"Well don't just stand there, come in." They all walk into my house and go straight to the family room. Trevor gently lays me down on the love seat and disappears into the kitchen.

"So how's your alone time with Trevy been?" Jc asks me.

"Um, he's been wonderful. I couldn't ask for a sweeter friend." I reply.

"Do you like him?" Sam asks me.

"What?" I respond.

"Do you like him?" He repeats the question.

Do I like Trevor? Of course I do. Haven't we already established this? He's adorable, funny, sweet, and sings like an angel. I would be dumb not to like him.

"I refuse to answer." I say when Trevor walks out of the kitchen with a bowl of soup in his hand.

"Refuse to answer what?" He asks me.

"Oh, nothing. Just some perverted question." I cover.

"Oh. Okay. So, boys, what gifts did you come with for the lovely Maisy?" Trevor asks them.

"I'll go first!" Connor replies. He comes over to me and hands me a giant teddy bear, a box of chocolates and a card.

Inside the card was a beautiful poem he had written. He gave me a big hug and sat back down.

"I'll go next." Kian got me the Five Seconds of Summer album and a card. I opened the card and almost screamed.

"You got me 5SOS tickets?!" He nods and I start crying.

"Thank you so much!" He hugs me and I wipe away my tears.

"I think you'll like mine." Sam tells me and hands me a big box.

Inside was a signed picture of Cory Monteith, a butt load of chocolate and a cute collage of him and I.

"Aw, thank you Sammers." We both hug and he hits back down.

"Okay so I picked this out very carefully with the help of Jc." Ricky hands me a box and I open it.

A new Rebel T31 camera.

"Oh my god! Thank you guys so much." I engulf both of them in huge hugs and they both laugh.

"Now you can start making cool videos like us!" Jc says.

"You guys are too sweet. Why'd you get me all of this?" I ask them with tears brimming my eyes.

"We feel bad. With your situation and all. But please don't think we're pitying you. We want you to make the best of now if you really don't have much longer." Connor says.

"Aww." All of the boys embrace me in a gigantic group hug.

"Actually, there's one more thing." Trevor says. He pulls out a small black box from his pocket and hands it to me.

"I really can't accept any more gifts." I attempt to hand it back to him but he doesn't take it.

"Please. I really want you to have this." I open it and gasp. The prettiest necklace is inside. It had tiny crystals on the whole thing in the shape of a heart.

"Thank you. I love it." I hug him and start crying.

"It's nothing. Now who's up for a game of Mario Kart?"

Make a Wish » Trevor MoranWhere stories live. Discover now