Chapter Fifteen

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Maisy's POV

I realized I slept for over twelve hours. I hope this doesn't become a new thing. Sleeping away the pain, I mean.

Tomorrow is her funeral. It can quite possibly be the smallest funeral to ever happen. My family, her family, her doctor and the pastor will be there. Erin was always a shy girl, or at least that's how she came off to other people.

I racked through my brain of who can come, just to make the funeral a little bit depressing.

Maybe the O2L boys will come? Probably not. It would be on such late notice they would never make it.

It's worth a shot.

to: conna:) , ricky pickle , sam , jay jay , trevy<3 , keen

hey guys. it's maisy. this is rlly late but I was hoping u guys could fly here for erin's funeral's ok if u can't make it

Now that I think about it, asking them wasn't a bad idea. There would be people who loved and cared for her there. And I know that Erin would be freaking out if they did come.

A few moments later, Kian replied.

from: keen

we'd love to. we can catch a flight in an hour and be at the hospital to visit you for awhile around 3. ok?

I was beyond happy, but not for myself. I'm happy for Erin. This is what she would've wanted, even if we never met them.

So I'd be seeing the guys in less than four hours. It's past eleven. I didn't think they'd actually come.

from: jay jay

hey boo!! we r at the airport. what's the address of the hotel?

I texted him the address and buzzed my buzzer. My buzzer notifies Susan that I would like her to come to my room. In an emergency, patients are to buzz them frequently.

"Hello dear. It's good to see you up. What do you need?" She asks.

"I was wondering if you could bring up a plate of cookies and a pitcher of water please?" I request politely and ash nods.

"Well sure! What for? You got a date?" She teases me and I giggle.

"My friends are coming to visit." I tell her.

"I'll be right back with the cookies and water." Susan scurries off to the kitchen.

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