second update...

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-july 26, 2018, 12:52 am-

hey guys!

so it's literally been 3 years, lol. a lot has happened since I uploaded my Trevor Moran fic.

but first and foremost I'm just shocked that this little silly book I wrote when I was 13 received as much attention as it did. even with as many grammar and attention details I made, y'all still read this fic which is incredible. thank you immensely.

secondly, I do want to somewhat apologize for falling off the face of the earth after publishing my story. I fell out of the YouTube community, started new chapters in my life, and just generally wasn't interested in fanfiction or even our2ndlife as much anymore. I left y'all hanging with a potential cliffhanger, and for that I'm sorry.

however, since this story has been published, two monumentally large things happened: our2ndlife split, and Trevor came out.

with that being said, I don't think it's appropriate to write even a mini sequel painting a picture of a gay man being in a relationship with a woman. I know it's not what Trevor would want—he's very comfortable with his sexuality, and encourages others to feel the same.

thank you all for still reading this in 2018, that's awesome. but I'm also sorry for deciding NOT to write a sequel due to the circumstances.

however, if you do wish to follow more of my work, I recently decided to publish a luke hemmings fanfiction I wrote shortly after I published this story. it's been a secret for years, but I'm rather proud of it. it's a bit more mature and shows my writing capabilities better. it would mean the world to me if you gave it a read, and maybe even a vote or comment, but only if you'd like (if you even like luke hemmings).

I hope you're all well!


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