Chapter Twenty

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Maisy's POV

The boys and I were planning to go to lunch today. It's their last day in New Mexico and we didn't want to do much.

I showered and shaved my legs and stepped out. I had already laid out an outfit for the day which consisted of skinny jeans, a floral muscle tank top, a cream colored cardigan and cream ballet flats.

To be honest, I feel invincible in this outfit. It's like, if I were a super hero and I had a suit, this would be my suit.

I applied some mascara, eyeliner and blush and slid a headband into my hair. I look good! Selfie time? Or naw?

I pulled out my camera and took a few selfies and posted on one Instagram. The likes and comments flow in and I notice Trevor comments something.


Why is Trevor acting so nice towards me? Is it because I'm a cancer patient? It must be. He can't actually think I'm pretty. I mean, nobody does.

I grabbed my phone, money and room key and took an elevator to the lobby. With my tank, I walked a block or two before I met up with the guys.

"Hey!" I greet them. They all reply and I walk up to Connor.

"Did you have a nice sleep?" I ask him.

"Yes I did. Thank you for asking. And yourself?" He responds.

"Oh, just dandy." We both laugh and Connor starts talking to Ricky.

"Hey Trevor." I ruffle his hair from behind.

"Hey Maisy! You look nice today." He compliments me.

"Why thank ya! You don't look too shabby yourself." I counter. He's wearing jeans, a blue shirt and vans.

"Do you know where we're going to eat?" He asks.

"It's some place called Connie's. Supposedly they have the best pancakes." I tell him.

We arrive at Connie's and we all take our seats. Sam, Kian and Connor are on one side with the rest of us on the other.

"What are you ordering?" I ask Jc who's to the left of me.

"I don't know . . . it all seems so good. I want to eat it all." He says and I laugh.

"What about you, Trev? What are you getting?"

"The double chocolate chip pancakes. I thought it was obvious." He pretends to flip his hair and from the other end of the table I hear Ricky yell 'SLAY'.

The waitress came by and we placed our orders. Trevor, Sam and I talked the whole time. I was casually checking out the restaurant when Trevor holds my hand under the table.

I looked over at him and he smiles. He started to rub his thumb over my knuckles. A blush creeped onto my checks for an unknown reason and I hid my face in his shoulder. What is this boy doing to me?

"We have some time before our flight." Connor observed.

"What should we do then?" Kian asks.

"How about we go back to my room? Maybe we could film a question and answer?" I suggest.

"Sounds good to me." Ricky says.

"Let's get to it!" We started walking and halfway through Sam had to carry me.

"I feel bad." I tell him.

"Why?" He wonders.

"You guys have to carry me everywhere."

"Aw, we don't mind. You're lighter than a feather." This lightens my feelings on the topic a bit. At least I'm not hurting them . . .

"Well, we're here!" Sam announces and puts me down gently.

"Thank you." He brushes off my apology and Jc sets up the camera.

"Let's tweet out the hashtag now." all of the boys tweet it and millions of questions start flowing in.

"Hey guys! It's It's Ricky, Sam, Kian, Trevor, Jc, Connor and Maisy!" Ricky introduces us all.

"Today we decided to do a group question and answer. So let's get started!"

Tons of questions like 'What's your favorite type of burger at In N Out' and 'When are your nudes going to be released' were asked. Every so often a Traisy question came up.

"Kie wants to know if Maisy and I are dating. To answer your question Kie, no, we are just best buds!" Trevor slings his arm around my neck. Best buds. And I honestly thought he liked me.

"Dang. Our flight leaves in an hour. Wanna come to the airport with us?" Ricky offers.

"I've got nothing better to do." The guys and I stop by their hotel room and get their bags before heading to the airport.

We head through security and sit in silence when their flight is announced.

"I guess this is goodbye." Connor and I hug and he reminds me to text him.

"Stay fierce Maisy. Don't forget to text me!" Ricky and I hug and I move on to Kian.

"See ya later Kiki." He hugs me for a long time and I start to loose my breath.

"Sorry. I see you as a little sister and I don't want to leave you." He admits and I start tearing up.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

"Sammers!" He and I embrace and he ruffles my peach fuzz.

"Text me later." He tells me and I nod.

"Bye boo." Jc lifts me up and spins me around carefully.

"Bye Jay." And lastly, Trevor.

"I had fun on our date." I tell him.

"I'm glad. I did too." We both hug for a long time. I certainly wasn't going to be the first to pull away.

When we do, Trevor looks into my eyes and leans in. Instinctively, I lean in, too. Our lips meet and I melt into them. They move perfectly in sync. Like we were made for each other. We both pull away and rest our forehead's on each other's. I want more. I need more. He's like an addictive drug.

"I'll text you later." Trevor mumbles. He walks away and leaves me breathless.

What just happened?

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