Chapter Nineteen

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Maisy's POV

"Will you go on a date with me?" Trevor blurts out.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that. What'd you say?" I ask. I heard him clearly, I just wanted to make sure that he wasn't messing with me.

"I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on a date this evening." He says.

"Of course I will." I smile at him. He turns to leave but I catch him by his arm.

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek and he smiles. He leaves and I sigh with happiness.

It's about noon and the guys came over to have brunch and spend some time with me. On their way out, Trevor said he had something to ask me.

To kill some time, I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It's a really good book. I recommend it to anyone who likes trillers, action or adventure.

to: jay jay

pls come over?? i need help for my date!!

It was about five in the afternoon now. Trevor texted me and said he'd pick me up at six thirty. I showered and shaved my legs.

"Maisy? You in here?" Jc knocked on the bathroom door. I slid on my robe and walked out.

"Yup! Hi Jc."

"So you got a date?" He asks and raises his eyebrows.

"Heck yeah! First one ever. You best be glad I chose you to help me prepare for this special occasion." I tell him.

"I'm flattered." Jc ruffles my peach fuzz and sits on my bed.

"What were you planning on wearing?" He asks.

"I was debating between outfits." I hold up two dresses that I had in mind. One was a pink, orange and red swirl pattern. The other was a simple white dress with white flowers.

"What's the third option?" He asks. I hold up the last dress. It's a black dress with a heart cut out of the back.

"Hmm . . . I really like the black one." Jc says.

"Me too!" I walk into the bathroom and zip myself up.

"What shoes?" I pull out a pair of ballet flats, flip flops, gladiator sandals and heels.

"Those sandals are dope." He says and I roll my eyes.

"How should I do my peach fuzz?" He picks up a headband and hands it to me.

"Use this. It's cute." I slide it into my hair.

"Thank you Jay!" I hugged him and ruffled his hair.

"Wanna take a selfie?" He asks and I nod. He takes out his phone and we take a dozen pictures.

"These are going on twitter." He tells me and I groan.

"I'm gonna go to the hotel. Connor wants me to do a surprise collab with him." Jc leaves the room and I sigh happily.

@hypedmaisyx: look how cute @jccaylen and i r!!

I attached one of our selfies and tweeted it. It was almost time for Trevor to pick me up, so I read a bit more.

There was a knock on the door. Before I answered I hooked myself up to my tank. I answered the door and Trevor stood there in khakis, a button up and a pair of vans. He looked fine if you ask me.

"You look stunning." He says after a moment. I blush and adjust my headband.

"Thank you." He extends his arm and I gladly accept.

"So where are we going?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't knoww." He says. I giggle and he smiles. Soon we arrive at our destination.

"Ooh! We're having a picnic?" I ask and he nods.

There's a blanket spread on the park ground under a big tree. There's a picnic basket to the side and three candles in the middle.

"Aw, this is too sweet." I sit down and adjust my dress so nothing is visible.

"Anything for you." I blush and he sets up the food.

"I made us peanut butter and jellies. I also brought some pudding, chips and pie. To drink we have sparkling wine." I giggle at his posh accent and we start eating.

Once it starts getting dark lights above us start to twinkle.

"You hung fairy lights in the tree?" I ask him.

"Actually the boys did it." He tells me.

"Well either way they're perfect." He smiles at my response and holds my hand.

"This pie is on point." We both laugh and he thanks me.

"It's getting late." I say and check my phone. 9:27?!

"Don't worry. I've already asked your mom for permission to stay out later." He answers.

"You did?" I ask befuddled. My mom? Say yes? To a boy she hardly knows? To stay out later than curfew?!

"She must like you." I tell him.

"Thats good to know." He smirks at me and I blush.

"What do you want to do know?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I'm with you." He responds. Why must he be so charming?

Out of nowhere Trevor reaches into the picnic basket and pulls out a few pillows.

"Why do you have pillows?" I question him. He arranges them and lays his head on one of them.

"Come lay with me." I crawl over to where he is and lay next to him. Not too close, but not too far away.

"Did I do good?" He asks me and I look up at him.

"Do good at what?" I answer him confused.

"Was this a good first date?" He responds.

"It was beyond perfect." I tell him and he grins.

"I'm glad." He pulls me closer to him and wraps his arm around my waist. I cuddle into his chest and close my eyes.

"For awhile we pretended,

That we never had to end it,

But we knew we had to say goodbye."

Trevor sings softly. How did he know I love Five Seconds of Summer?

"You were crying at the airport,

When they finally closed the plane door,

I could barely hold it all inside."

I started to tear up at the lyrics. This will be us tomorrow when they leave.

He finishes off the song and I clap. He smiles down at me and wipes away my tears with his thumb.

"I'm always a phone call away, you know that, right?" I nod my head and he plays with my hair.

"Thank you." I whisper into his chest. I can slowly feel myself drifting off . . .

Make a Wish » Trevor MoranOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora