Chapter Twenty-Four

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Maisy's POV

@hypedmaisyx: see u laterrr

Unfortunately, we weren't flying there. My dad is driving a uHaul with my brother while my mom and I are in the van.

"Are you excited?" Mom asks me.

"Yeah! Just think about it. Living near the beach. It'll be . . . perfect." I sigh in happiness and rest my head against the window.

"How long until we're there?" I ask her.

"Quite a few hours. Take a nap honey. You for up early this morning." I'm one step ahead of you sister. I can practically feel myself drifting into unconsciousness . . .

"Maisy? We're here!" Mom wakes me up. I open my eyes and see that we're in the driveway of our new house!

"It's soo cute!" I say to her.

It's two levels. It's made of grey stone and have a gate surrounding the whole yard. It's a little bit bigger than our old house. And behind the gate in our backyard is the beach!

I pick up my phone and walk into the house. I take a walk around the first level and immediately fall in love. The kitchen is nice and big with an island. The living room has a fireplace and a pool table.

The steps leading upstairs are directly when you walk in. Upstairs, there are four bedrooms and a bathroom.

"Dibs on a big bedroom!" I check out the bedrooms and leave the master bedroom for my parents. Instead, I take the next largest room at the end of the hall.

It's already painted a turquoise color with light wood flooring. Also, there's a balcony! Sweet!

I walk out onto the balcony and gasp. A perfect view of the beach! With palm trees and everything! The balcony is big enough for two lounge chairs, which is amazing. Maybe Trevor and I can hang out here one day . . .

Sighing, I walk outside to the uHaul and grab a few of my suitcases.

"Don't worry about carrying those, honey. I don't want you to get out of breath." Dad says. I only take my big suitcase and drag it up the stairs.

"How about you take a walk around? Introduce yourself to the neighbors? I'll put together your bed." Dad tells me.

I walk back outside and make sure my oxygen tank is okay. Once I assume it is I start walking towards the beach.

An old lady tending to her garden waves at me. I wave back and smile. I already like this place.

Once I'm at the beach I slide off my flip flops and carry them in my free hand. I walk along the shore until I bump into someone and they fall on top of me.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." The boy apologizes. Wait, I know this voice.

"Trevor?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles.

"Maisy!" He helps me up and fixes my oxygen tank. He embraces me so tightly I nearly stop breathing.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Oh. I, uh, moved here. I live right down the road." I tell him.

"That's so awesome. Now we can hang out anytime!" He exclaims and I giggle.

"Who are you here with?" I ask. Trevor wraps his arm around my waist and I blush.

"I'm with my brother and mom. Want to meet them?" He offers and I nod.

"Hey mom! This is the lovely Maisy Evans. Maisy, this is my mom." He introduces us. I wave and she smiles at me.

"So this is the Maisy? He's told me lots about you." She tells me and he groans, making me giggle.

"Where's Blake?" He asks.

"He went off with some girl." His mom replies.

"I'm gonna go to Maisy's for a bit, okay?" Trevor practically pulls me away.

"Nice meeting you, Mrs. Moran!" Once he's done dragging me he slows down and laces his fingers with mine.

"Where are we going?" I wonder.

"Anywhere where you are is perfect." He says and I blush. He's such the charmer!

"Hmm. Is there ice cream near here?" I question him.

"Sure there is. It's only a few minutes away." He replies.

"So how have you been?" I ask him.

"I've been recording for my new song, so I guess you could say I've been busy. How about you?" He counters.

"Pretty good. My dad goes back in a few days." I answer him.

"That's a shame. Well, here's the ice cream store!" He announces. We wait in line and order what we want.

"That'll be 5.16 please." The lady says. I start to take out my money from my back pocket when Trevor hands her a 10 dollar bill.

"I could've paid for my own." I tell him and collect my ice cream.

"It's fine, Maisy. I won't go bankrupt." He chuckles and thanks the woman.

"What time is it?" I ask him.

"Almost 7." He responds. Dang, how long was I with him?

"It's getting late. I better get home." I tell him.

"I'll walk you." He offers. And once again he slips his arm around my waist. When we're on doorstep I turn to look at him.

"I'll text you tomorrow. Okay?" He nods and I lean up to kiss him on his cheek.

"Thank you for a welcoming first day." I walk inside and wave goodbye. When the door closes I jump up and down.

Maybe moving to LA isn't so bad, after all.

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