Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Maisy's POV

"Finally! The headaches are gone and my period is over!" I exclaim. Trevor laughs at me and smiles.

And no, for your information, I do not care if he knows that my menstrual cycle is over. He's been through worse these past couple of days.

"How about we do something?" He suggests.

"Please! I'm tired of being in this house." I tell him.

"How about we go on a date?" He asks. A blush creeps to my cheeks and I nod.

"Sure. What should I wear?" I respond.

"Doesn't matter. You look beautiful in anything. I'll pick you up at five." Trevor winks at me and leaves my house.

Hmm . . . what to wear, what to wear. I search through my closet and pull out two outfit options. Before I get dressed I step into the shower and clean myself throughly. I dry my peach fuzz, that is growing back at a rapid pace, and walk back to my room.

The first dress was a strapless blue dress that stopped just above the knee. The other was a simple pink dress. My gut is telling me to go with the blue dress.

I slide it on over my under garments and brush my hair. I kind of look like I have a pixie cut, but with less hair.

I applied little to no makeup and I was done. I checked myself in the mirror and have myself the seal of approval.

I pulled out my phone and saw that it was 4:57. Talk about perfect timing!

I walked downstairs, dragging my oxygen tank behind, and sat on the couch. I scrolled through my timeline and favorited a few tweets when I heard the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and Trevor's jaw dropped. He quickly closed his mouth and I giggled.

"You look . . . stunning." He tells me. He has on khakis, a casual button up (with the sleeves rolled to his elbows), and vans. Classic Trevor.

"And you look very dashing, sir." He offers me his arm and I gladly accept.

"So where are we going?" I ask him.

"It's a secret, my love." He replies.

We walk with his arm around my waist and mine around his torso for a while when he abruptly stops.

"You really do look amazing, Maisy. Don't ever forget that." He kisses my temple and we start walking.

"Thank you, Trevor. Really." He simple smiles that million dollar smile of his and keeps walking.

"Would you like me to wheel your tank for you?" He offers.

"That's very sweet, but I've got it." Why is he acting so nice? It's not like he actually likes me.

He fells sympathetic towards me. Yeah, that's it. He's sympathetic because I have thyroid cancer and he knows I won't make it to my twenties.

Trevor's POV

We arrive at the restaurant. It's right along the beach and has a special deck that lets you look onto a secret part of the beach.

"After you, m'lady." I open the door for her and she walks in.

"This place is so cute!" She tells me.

The waitress leads us to one of the special tables on the deck and hands us our menus.

"Trevor! This is so expensive. I'm not letting you pay this much for my meal." She says.

"I want to do this. It's not like I'm wasting my money, either." I tell her. I can tell she's processing what I said when the waitress returns.

"Hello and welcome to Sea Side. I'm Tanya and I'll be your waitress. What can I get you to drink?" She's a short blonde with way too much makeup on.

"I'll have a water please." Maisy says sweetly. Tanya rolls her eyes and turns to me.

"And what can I get you, handsome?" She bats her eyelashes at me and I almost gag.

"Please don't call me that. I'm on a date with my girlfriend and I'm sure she doesn't appreciate it. I'll have a water, too." She jots it down on her notepad and stomps away.

"You didn't have to do that. She wasn't bothering me." Maisy tells me.

"She was annoying me. And if was rude of her to do that on our date." I reply.

Tanya comes back with our drinks and takes our orders. I get steak while Maisy gets pasta.

"Sorry if this sounds rude, but what are you acting like this?" Maisy asks me after a few moments. Confused, I don't respond.

"You're being so nice. Taking me out on lovely dates, calling me things like beautiful, and saying that I'm your girlfriend!" She says.

"What are you implying?" I inquire, still confused of what she's thinking.

"Are you treating me like this because I have cancer?" She finally spits out. My eyeballs nearly fall out of my head.

"No! Of course not! Why would you think that? You're an amazing girl, Maisy. But why would you think I'm playing you or something of that sort?" I reply.

"I'm sorry. I just . . . don't get this kind of attention. I jump to conclusions way too often." She apologizes.

"It's perfectly fine, Maisy. I understand completely." Tanya returns, but this time with our food.

"This looks delicious." Maisy says before digging in. After the first few bites she tilts her head back and makes an incoherent noise.

"I'm guessing you like it." I chuckle.

We both finish our food and I pay. It wasn't that expensive, but it was more expensive than your typical fast food joint.

"It's only seven and my curfew is ten. What to do now?" She asks me.

"How about a walk on the beach? The sun should be setting any minute." I suggest.

Maisy's POV

A walk on the beach. To watch the sunset. It's like he can see directly into my brain and know everything I like and look for in a guy.

Before our feet hit the sand I slide off my sandals and plop them on the ground. Trevor takes off his vans and socks and sets them next to my shoes.

As we walk along the shore line, Trevor laces his fingers through mine. We stop for a moment and let the water hit our toes.

"Thank you for another perfect date." I thank him.

"Anything for you, madam." I sit down on the ground and watch the waves roll in. Trevor sits next to me and I sigh.

"Will you sing to me?" I ask him.

"Sure. What song?"

"Surprise me." I close my eyes and listen to his angelic voice. He's singing Don't Let Me Go by Harry Styles.

I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist. Once he's done he kisses my head and lays his head on mine.

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