Chapter Eighteen

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Maisy's POV

to: trevy<3

do u guys want to go to the zoo? today they're letting the first 20 in for free & they get to feed the animals!!

Knowing they couldn't say no, I was already dressed and showered. I had on my aztec leggings with a scoop neck black shirt and black vans. It's supposed to get in the sixties today, so I didn't want to get cold.

And normally I would hate to be going to the zoo. There's only a few animals I really want to see. Also I want to feed some of the monkeys!

Trevor replied and said they'd be ready in an hour. What to do while they were getting ready . . . I have absolutely no idea.

I caught up on O2L's videos and Tyler Oakley's as well. The Fab Five haven't uploaded theirs yet. Soon enough it was time to go to the zoo.

"Hey guys!" I greet them. And holy poop! We're the first ones here.

"Hey Mais." Jc ruffles my hair and I push him. The people let us in and lead us to where the workers go.

"Today we are going to feed the giraffes, monkeys and sea otters. We will also be handling with the koalas, if you'd like to cuddle one. And, if you wish, you can get a ride from an elephant." The man says and I gasp. I've always wanted to ride on an elephant!

I turn to Jc as if I were asking 'can I please daddy?' He nods and I grin. I'm so glad I brought my small tank.

The man, Jim, led us 'backstage' to the monkeys. He taught us the proper way to feed a monkey. He then handed us some food and let us try it for ourselves.

The monkeys loved me and kept coming back for more. The other guys weren't having as much luck as I was. Kian got growled at by one and another peed on Connor. It was hard not to laugh.

After all the monkey business, we went to the koalas. He showed us how to correctly hold a koala. I think you can guess what comes next.

"Awwww! He's so soft! Awww he out his head on my shoulder! Get a picture somebody!" I adored over the koala. His name was Butternut.

Butternut held on to me and I literally could not contain my awws. I wanted to burst out crying in cuteness tears.

The boys took plenty of pictures to remember of Butternut. Sadly, we had to go feed the giraffes.

"I hope I don't get chlamydia." I whisper to Trevor and he laughs.

The giraffes were in a horrible mood, which was very unfortunate. I tried to pet one and it hissed at me! How rude.

On the bright side, I get to ride an elephant next! Ricky, Connor and Hc are sitting out for unknown reasons. I think they're just gonna take pictures the whole time, if you ask me.

There were two people to an elephant. Kian and Sam were together leaving Trevor and I.

One of the workers helped us up and I nearly fell. Trevor climbed on and held on to my waist.

The elephant got up on all fours and I squealed. Trevor held my waist tighter and I blushed.

"You'll be fine." He tells me. For some reason, those three words calm me down a bunch. Ellie, our elephant, starts walking.

"Why did you guys come here? Like, what the real reason?" I ask him.

"We wanted to pay our respects to a fan, but there was a plus side. We got to see you again." I blush.

I lost my balance and started to fall. Trevor caught me. I would've fell at least seven times if he weren't here.

"AWW! Did you see that? KIAN! Did you see that Traisy moment?!" Ricky yells.

"Shut up Ricky!" Trevor shouts and we both laugh.

Most of the ride was silent. Trevor sang little bits of songs here and there.

"You're a really good singer." I say to him.

"Thank you, Maisy. A lot of people disagree and say I sound like a dying whale." I can hear the disappointment in his voice.

"Don't listen to them! You're amazing. Besides, why do they matter?"

"You're right." He says.

"Maybe you could sing for me sometime?" I ask.

"I'd love to." Now what happened after that left me stunned. Trevor kissed my cheek and I blushed. Again.

I know it's not much, but it's the first time I've been kissed by a boy that isn't my relative. It's pretty lame.

The ride was over and Trevor helped me down. We walked over to the guys and they had big grins on their faces.

"What's in your pants?" I ask them and they shrug.

"Fine, be that way!"

The last stop was to feed the sea otters. They were adorable! Sadly, a thunderstorm came rolling in and the zoo closed.

"I had fun today." I tell Trevor as we walk to the car.

"I did too." He smiles at me. Oh my, his smile melts my heart.

Make a Wish » Trevor MoranHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin