Chapter Fourteen

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Maisy's POV

On Wednesday, June 18, 2014, Erin Nicole West passed away. At approximately 3:16 AM she left this world peacefully in her sleep.

My mom informed me this morning when I woke up. When I heard what had happened, I couldn't process anything.

Her body must have rejected whatever medicine they gave her, causing her to pass away.

I remember meeting Erin like it was yesterday. She was nine, and I was eleven. It was three months after I had moved into the hospital.


"Hi! I'm Ewin." A girl younger than me approaches me. Both of her two front teeth were missing, and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Hello. I'm Maisy." She hugged me and I remember hugging back.

"We awe best fwiends now!" She exclaimed.

"Okay!" We both played on the playground forever.

-flashback over-

I started tearing up at the memory, but stopped myself.

I cried non stop for about two hours, but realized it was useless. She's gone. I'll never get to see her again. All I'm left with are a bunch of memories.

I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I have only like two friends, and one of them lives in California!

As creepy as this sounds, they're flying her body here tonight. The funeral is in two days.

The day after the funeral is the day they clean out our room. I think that's when I'll finally realize that she's actually gone.

I knew I shouldn't have let her go through with it. I had this awful churning feeling in my gut when she told me. If only I could've done something to keep her from not getting the surgery.

I read something about death, saying that humans only miss other humans because they are selfish. Whether the one person is dead or far away, you are missing something you want or need that they have.

I don't believe that, though. It just got me thinking. I think I'm going to go to sleep.

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