Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Maisy's POV

"I'm so boreddd." Kian complains. The guys and I are in my living room contemplating things we should do.

"I have an idea!" I run to my room and grab a special item. My Mickey Mouse ears.

"Ta da!" The boys stare confusedly at me and I groan.

"Why do you have rat ears on?" Jc asks.

"Ugh. You guys are so dumb! It's Mickey Mouse ears. Let's go to Disneyland!" The boys all agree.

I quickly shoved on a pair of shorts and my O2L shirt. Hashtag get that promo. I'm kidding.

"Are you guys ready?" I walk downstairs.

Instead I get tons of 'whoops' and 'yeahs' as a reply. They nearly stampede out the door and into Ricky's cramped Kia, that's only supposed to fit five, might I add.

"How the heck did we all fit in here before?" I groan.

To be honest, I'm quite comfortable. I'm sprawled out over Trevor, Sam, Connor and Jc. The four of them are squished on the back seat. I just don't to hear the boys complain the whole way there.

"I have no idea. But I have a ton of room." Kian gloats and all the boys shout profanity at him. Kian laughs and goes on his phone.

@hypedmaisyx: disneyland 2day!! so excited :) w @our2ndlife

A few games of Who Can Be The Loudest later we're finally here. Ricky parks the car and we all pile out. I hook up my oxygen tank and we head towards the entrance. We all paid individually and walked into the park.

"I'm so excited! I've never really been to an amusement park." I admit.

"Well know you can say you've been to one." Trevor appears at my side.

"What to do?" Connor wonders aloud.

"Let's ride a few smaller rides first. Just to ease into it." Ricky suggests.

We all stood in line for the bumper cars first. The boys told me I had to go with someone, for safety purposes, so we don't have a repeat of last week.

"I'll ride with you." Trevor says to me. I smile at him and we step into a bright blue car.

"Blue's my favorite color, y'know." I acknowledge. Trevor slings the harness thing over my chest and secures it.

"What if you get hurt?" I ask him.

"I'll be fine. I'm a pro at bumper cars." He claims.

The bell goes off and Trevor starts driving. I cling to his arm and squeal a few times. He dodged most of the impacts, except for the ones he delivered himself.

"Goodness. You gave me multiple heart attacks!" I tell him and climb out of the car.

"Oh well. What next?" He asks.

"I dunno. Let's ask the boys." We meet up and agree to split for a few rides.

Jc, Sam and Kian go towards the more wicked rides. Connor and Ricky decide to get some drinks for everybody and take some cool pictures. Classic. That leaves Trevor and I to ourselves.

"This is kind of like another date. Just shorter." I say.

"That's not necessarily a bad thing, now is it?" Trevor and I link arms and skip to the next ride.

"Lets ride the train. You seem a little wore out." He says to me.

"Please." He leads me to the train and we get on just in time. The train is basically a tour around the park with some background history.

"I'm sorry you got paired with me. You're not gonna be able to ride the fun rides." I apologize.

"You really need to quit apologizing. I really don't mind not riding the wicked rides. In fact, I love spending time with you." He looks into my eyes and I pull myself away. We can't in front of all these people.

"So, how long is this ride?" I ask him.

"About ten minutes." He responds.

I rest my head on his shoulder. I tend to do this a lot . . . but his shoulder is really comfortable. It's like my head was meant to be rested there.

Trevor wraps his arm around my waist and we sit like that for a few minutes.

"Wanna take some selfies?" He questions me.

"But I look so gross." I whine.

"You look beautiful. Now show me those pearly whites!" Trevor holds up his iPhone and we take a billion selfies. In the last one, Trevor kissed my cheek.

"Well, the ride is over." Trevor helps me down and we stroll around the park for awhile.

"Oh my god! Is that Trevor Moran?" I girl screams. A few girlish screams re let out and a few bodies come running towards us.

"Hi guys!" He takes pictures with the fans and I stand off to the side.

"Who are you?" One girl asks rather rudely.

"Oh, I'm Maisy. I'm a friend of Trevor's." I introduce myself.

"He can do much better. Besides, he's probably getting paid to do this." The girl walks away and tears spring my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Trevor stepped away from the fans for a moment and confronted me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He looks at me warily and I give him a weak smile.

He hesitantly walks back to the fans. When he's not paying attention I sneak off in hopes of finding a bathroom. Instead of finding a bathroom I bump into Jc, Sam and Kian.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. I just ate something . . . spicy." I respond. Spicy? Seriously? You love spicy food.

"Okay boo. Where's Trevor?" Jc asks.

"He's with fans near the train ride." I answer.

"Let's go find him." Kian says.

We all walk back to where Trevor was and see him taking a picture with the last fan.

"Hey bro, we're gonna ride some rides together for awhile." Kian says.

"That's fine with me."

"What time is it?" I ask Trevor.

"Almost midnight. Do you know what happens then?"

"What happens?" He leads me over to the giant Ferris wheel and we wait in line.

"You'll see." I raise my eyebrows and wait patiently. It's our turn to get on and the worker secures us.

What time is it, anyways? I check my phone briefly and see it reads 11:59. Our cart stops directly at the top and I squeal.

"What happens at-" I'm cut off by a gigantic boom. Fireworks! I love fireworks. But why are we . . .

Oh. I know why.

I turn over to look at Trevor to see he's already looking at me.

"You are outstandingly beautiful." He pushes a strand my loose hair behind my ear.

He leans in and I follow his actions. Our lips collide and move perfectly in sync for what feels like hours. Sadly, the kiss ends and we pull away. Trevor winks at me and I turn away blushing. When we get off the Ferris wheel he acts as if nothing happened.

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