Chapter Eleven

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Maisy's POV

to: trevy<3

hey trevor. its maisy. thx for the great weekend!!

I sent each of the guys a text similar to Trevor's and set my phone down. I picked up the MacBook Air my parents got me and looked up Ricky's channel.


What? I didn't even know he brought a camera.

"Hey guys! It's Ricky. So yesterday the boys and I went to the beach and met up with a special someone named Maisy!" He then added our selfies all around his face. I looked so bad! But I looked really fierce so it doesn't matter to be honest.

"This week's video doesn't really have a point. I just took some really cool artsy videos while we were there! And some funny ones too. Do enjoy!"

A video of us playing chicken showed. I pushed Sam and Trevor down! Even though I know they let me win.

Another one of Connor and I tanning popped up. We were laughing and talking. It was a cute little video.

Next was Sam, Kian and I building our sand castle. Kian threw some sand at Sam and I. Sam jumped in front of me and pretended to be a mighty knight, and blocked the flying sand from my face. I thought it was the funniest thing.

A few artsy clips were shown when Jc and I appeared on the screen. He brought me into a hug. Ricky played a few more clips and the video was over.

to: ricky pickle

ur video was adorable!!

There was a knock on the door and I closed my laptop.

"Come in!" In walked one of my good guy friends, Jackson.

"Jack!" I exclaim. He comes over and gives me a big hug. Jack is fourteen and has been my friend since I was six. We are inseparable.

"Maisy mouse! I missed you." He was away in Philadelphia for a month or two with his mom. She had breast cancer, but I'm guessing she's cancer free now!

"How was Philly?" I ask and he climbs in bed next to me.

"It was great! She's officially cancer free!" We both cheer and laugh.

"Want to watch Glee?" He asks and I nod. He gets up and puts it on. He returns to his spot next to me.

"How was your trip to Anaheim?" He asks as the beginning credits play.

"It was amazing. I met Lea Michele!" He gasps and lightly hits my arm.

"Lucky!" Jack and I talked and talked for what felt like hours.

"You never told me. What was it like meeting the Trevor Moran?" He asks and I giggle.

"It was amazing. He was so sweet! But, oh, you have to hear my story." I say.

"Well out with it!"

"Well, he followed me on twitter like four months ago. And he DM'ed me saying he wanted to meet me at Vidcon! So for my wish I asked to go to Vidcon with Erin. When we went to Vidcon I met Trevor but he didn't recognize me! I was sad but I understood." I told him.

"What did you do?" He asks and I shush him.

"Then Jc followed me and DM'ed me saying how he realized it was me but didn't say anything. He told me how Trevor was so excited to meet me. So he and I planned a secret beach day." I explain.

"You saw them all shirtless is what you're telling me?" He asks.

"Pretty much." I smirk at him and he glares.

"And that's pretty much what happened. And I maybe developed true feelings for Trevor . . . " I trail off, anxious for his answer.

"It was bound to happen some time." He says.

Multiple Glee episodes later, he and I were cuddled under the blanket sound asleep.

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