Chapter Twenty-One

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Maisy's POV

I woke up this morning oblivious. Thinking the boys were still here, I attempted to call them. Then I remember the past few days.

Erin died. The boys came. Erin's funeral. The zoo day. Trevor and I's date. The kiss. Them leaving.

What am I supposed to do know? Trevor was my rock the whole time he was here. I can't go back to sleeping all day and doing nothing. It'll just make me even more depressed.

And with the boys gone, I realize how lonely I am. The boys and Erin were my only friends. Now Erin's passed and the boys are miles away.

How am I supposed to hold myself together? There's no telling of time for when I break. It could happen later today or it could happen in a week.

I also realize that I've got little to nothing left. My dad should be leaving soon to go Iraq, my brother is too young, and my mother is constantly working to pay the hospital bill.

Susan is just a nurse who's simply doing her job, as well as the other nurses. I've got nobody.

The thought makes me cringe, shudder and cry all at once. So I do. I let all of the tears flow out of my body. There's no use in stopping them.

I sit there and cry for hours upon hours. I am broken. Far beyond compare.

Susan checks on me and brings me a glass of water every so often. And after doing so a few times, I can see she's given up.

My mom walks into the room and sits on the edge of my bed. I look at her and she sighs.

"I'm so sorry honey." She tells me.

"I am too." I reply.

"I hate seeing you like this." She says.

Instead I don't reply. My mother comes over and kisses my head before leaving. I've cried so much there's no tears left to shed.

@hypedmaisyx: don't know what to do anymore

I put my phone on the charger and lay my head down. Maybe if I sleep, all the pain will go away . . .

Susan's P.O.V

"Are you really going to follow through with this?" I ask Mrs. Evans.

"It's for the best. I can't see her in so much pain." She replies.

"Very well. I think you've chosen the right decision." I tell her.

"Thank you. If you don't mind, I'm going to talk to the doctor now."

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