Chapter 3

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The Morgue Technician got up and left the room. I was about to follow suit when Dean grabbed my arm.

"Dude, I earned that money."

"You won it in a poker game." I retorted and followed the morgue tech.

We walked into the morgue full of bodies and the morgue tech lead us over to a table with a covered body on it.

"Now the newspaper said the daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding." I stated.

"More than that. They practically liquefied." The morgue tech pulled back the sheet to reveal Steven's face.

"Any sign of a struggle? Maybe somebody did it to him?" Dean asked.

"Nope. Besides the daughter, he was all alone."

Okay, that's weird.

"What's the official cause of his death?" I asked.

"Ah, Doc's not sure. He's thinking massive stroke, maybe an aneurysm? Something burst up in there, that's for sure."

That's odd. "What do you mean?"

"Intense cerebral bleeding. This guy had more blood in his skull than anyone I've ever seen."

This does sound like a Bloody Mary type thing. The legend says she scratches out people's eyes.

"What would cause something like that?" I asked trying to get more information.

"Capillaries can burst. See a lot of bloodshot eyes with stroke victims."

"Yeah? You ever see exploding eyeballs?" Dean butted in.

"That's a first for me, but hey, I'm not the doctor."

"Hey, think we could take a look at that police report? You know for, uh...our paper."

"I'm not really supposed to show you that."

God, this guy is annoying. I took out another couple of twenties to try and persuade him and luckily, it worked.

As we were walking out the hospital I thought that this could just be a medical thing.

"Might not be one of ours. Might just be some freak medical thing."

"How many times in Dad's long and varied career has it actually been a freak medical thing and not some sign of an awful supernatural death?" Dean made a fair point.

"Uh, almost never."


"All right, let's go talk to the daughter"


As we walked into the funeral, I saw a picture of Steven Charlton on a desk. I realised everyone was wearing black suits or dresses except us.

"Feel like we're underdressed."

We kept walking towards the back of the house and into the backyard. A man pointed us to Blaze Charlton and a couple of other girls.

"You must be Blaze, right?" I asked.

The young girl looked up, "Yeah."


Two men walked in jeans walked over to us. They didn't look prepared for a funeral.

The shorter one with stubble said,

"You must be Blaze, right?"

How did he know my name?

I looked up and said, "Yeah"

"Hi, uh-we're really sorry." Said the taller one.

"Thank you." I replied.

"I'm Sam, this is Dean. We worked with your dad." The taller one said gesturing to the other one.

I looked between the two of them. "You did?"

"Yeah. This whole thing. I mean, a stroke."

"I don't think she really wants to talk about this right now" Meg said.

"It's okay. I'm okay." I stated.

"Were there any symptoms? Dizziness? Migraines?" Asked the one I think was called Dean.

"No." I bluntly said. "That's because it wasn't a stroke."

"Blaze, don't say that." Meg scolded.

"What?" Inquired Sam.

"I'm sorry, she's just upset." Meg tried to stop me.

"No, it happened because of me." How many times am I gonna have to say it?

"Sweetie, it didn't." Meg was getting on my nerves now.

"Blaze". Sam bent down to my eye level.

"Why would you say something like that?"

"Right before he died, I said it."

"You said what?" Sam asked.

I took a deep breath. "Bloody Mary, three times in the bathroom mirror."

They both looked at each other in silence.

I sighed again, "She took his eyes, that's what she does."

"That's not why your Dad died. This isn't your fault." Meg said again.

"I think your friend's right, Blaze. There's no way it could have been Bloody Mary. Your dad didn't say it, did he?" Dean said.

"No, I don't think so." I said. It couldn't have been that. But it seems to be the only explanation.

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